APP - right wing celebrates us loss of 2016 olympics

have something else? your "video" is a pic inside of a pic....your quote is unverifiable...

unless you have the direct links to that which is inside another pic....i'm not buying....and even if true...tell me.....what percentage of conservatives do both those alleged incidents make? do you not defend muslims against people who claim all islam is bad because of a few bad apples.......

the limbaugh, o'riley and beck group
i am a social progressive and have never cheered the loss of a soldier

this may come as a shock to you, but I don't give a fuck who you are and what you've done.....from what I've seen of your posts you're simply someone not overly bright, but overly reactive to minor matters....
this may come as a shock to you, but I don't give a fuck who you are and what you've done.....from what I've seen of your posts you're simply someone not overly bright, but overly reactive to minor matters....

your resort to profanity show your level of intelligence

the radical right is becoming something more than minor when it begins to call for the overthrow of the us government
i cannot disagree but what i am objecting to is the celebration of the right claiming that the loss is bho's fault

it seems that any loss by bho is a reason to celebrate whether it is good for nation or not - sort of like rush's 'i hope that he fails'

seems a bit much like cutting of your nose to spite your face

you "missed" post 20....and now you're claiming this bogus theory that the right is saying this obama's fault.....

dude....not true at all

you're whining your ass off because your dear leader FAILED big time....only an idiot would have make the circus that obama made when everyone knew that rio was the sure bet....obama made a massive fool of himself....and his wife with and complete fools....

obama showed himself to be nothing more than a chicago mobster politician that cares more about chicago than the rest of the country....
you "missed" post 20....and now you're claiming this bogus theory that the right is saying this obama's fault.....

dude....not true at all

you're whining your ass off because your dear leader FAILED big time....only an idiot would have make the circus that obama made when everyone knew that rio was the sure bet....obama made a massive fool of himself....and his wife with and complete fools....

obama showed himself to be nothing more than a chicago mobster politician that cares more about chicago than the rest of the country....

Hilarious. The ODS is strong with this one.

If only an American city were in contention for the 2012 Olympics during the Bush Administration and we could compare the hysterical reactions from the right today to the reactions from the left back then.
Because there's probably 3 wingnuts in Chicago who would oppose absolutely anything if there's a remote chance that it would reflect well on Obama.

Get real! Who in their right mind wouldn't want the Olympics in their city? it's a signal fucking honor.

I'd be doing back flips if Columbus landed them, not that this would ever happen.
Colorado voted against the Olympics back in the day.
Hilarious. The ODS is strong with this one.

If only an American city were in contention for the 2012 Olympics during the Bush Administration and we could compare the hysterical reactions from the right today to the reactions from the left back then.

total and complete logical fallacy....coupled with boxes of apples and oranges....

bush did not create the stupid media frenzy that obama did for his HOME town....further.....your....."if only" total bullshit......and a're grasping at....what order to justify obama's epic failure....

care to comment on post 20?
total and complete logical fallacy....coupled with boxes of apples and oranges....

bush did not create the stupid media frenzy that obama did for his HOME town....further.....your....."if only" total bullshit......and a're grasping at....what order to justify obama's epic failure....

care to comment on post 20?

Hey DQ, why are papers in the UK writing articles about Obama losing his sales job for the olympics?

Why is Obama wavering on Afghanistan when you said it was Republicans who would come out against Afghanistan?
And DQ you're agreeing with uscitizen on this thread, a man who brags about being against everything Bush is for? You know I'm a fan of yours sir but you're losing your own credibility with that crap.
And DQ you're agreeing with uscitizen on this thread, a man who brags about being against everything Bush is for? You know I'm a fan of yours sir but you're losing your own credibility with that crap.

you are correct

i am distracted of late due to personal problems and should not be posting

my take on bho and the reps is that if bho is for it the reps will be against it

not all of the time but about 90% of the time

as far as afganistan is concerned we need about 50,000 more troops with support - we cannot cede afghanistan to al qaeda, but the taliban are not in favor of al qaeda either so maybe we should just get out

the problem as i see it, is that we cannot afford to abandon pakistan to al qaeda so we may be stuck

oh screw it, i am too tired to think clearly and have too many other problems to cope with right now so good night
your resort to profanity show your level of intelligence

the radical right is becoming something more than minor when it begins to call for the overthrow of the us government

not at all....I could have shown the irrelevance of your post without the simply felt good.....
Hey DQ, why are papers in the UK writing articles about Obama losing his sales job for the olympics?

Why is Obama wavering on Afghanistan when you said it was Republicans who would come out against Afghanistan?

Are you referring to that Times piece?

Yes, let's see if we could come up with a reason why a Rupert Murdoch owned publication would be writing articles critical of Obama. Anyone have any thoughts?
something we'll never get a chance to test....

The fact of the matter is the Liberal Loons thought this was in the bag. Obama goes to Copenhagen bags the Olympics, pays back his cronies, and walks on water.

Guess what? Sometimes you win; sometimes you lose. Good time Charlie's got the blues.

The fact of the matter is the Liberal Loons thought this was in the bag. Obama goes to Copenhagen bags the Olympics, pays back his cronies, and walks on water.

Guess what? Sometimes you win; sometimes you lose. Good time Charlie's got the blues.

Exactly. Plus Obama is so arrogant and delusional that he thought he could pull it off.