APP - right wing celebrates us loss of 2016 olympics

sorry, but I don't see how social progressive and fiscal conservative can fit me that's a cop are playing it safe without committing to anything..

social progressive means that it is not productive to let a portion of our population go without health coverage

fiscal conservative means that i want the biggest bang for my tax extorted dollars, e.g., spending money administering food stamps and fraud detection when it would be cheaper to hand out mag stripe cards for certain food ingredients to anyone that wanted one - we pay farmers not to grow food and store surplus subsidized food rather than give it away to maintain prices
yeah yeah, it's the same every time you all finally win something...the conservatives and Republicans are DONE, done they say And right there is a perfect example of what dishonest little clown you are...NOWHERE did I imply that the GOP party was done, I just pointed out that it LOST an election fair and square, primarily for the same mindset and tactics that YOU are so proud of...and that this latest "celebration" of there's will not bode well for them in the coming elections. To dumb it down for you, the Reagan/Bush years are OVER! all just keep living in that dream world you all live in...Dream came true in 2008, with it! And you'll just keep being a willfully ignorant neocon parrot. this Presidents huge drop in the polls at such a short period of time has got to be a record of all the Presidents I have been around for... You're such a delusional liar....Obama's ratings are STILL better in 8 months than what the Shrub had for about 6 years, and nowhere near the toilet flush ratings and the neocon driven GOP Congress/Senate when they ruled. Let me know what the story is at the end of his first term....the FACTS, not your worthless neocon blatherings.
Soooooooo.....I will be the happiest camper to watch the melt downs starting 2010 and the best will come in 2013...I'll be dancing in the streets..:clink:

Translation: I deconstructed this assholes blathers with just a little truthful referal to facts and the logic derived from them. All he can do is just cover his ears and eyes and bray like an ass the SOS. And that's all he'll do from now on if I wasted more time on him.
Translation: I deconstructed this assholes blathers with just a little truthful referal to facts and the logic derived from them. All he can do is just cover his ears and eyes and bray like an ass the SOS. And that's all he'll do from now on if I wasted more time on him.

good gawd you are a long winded one just to say, blaa blaa blaa...whatever blows yer mini skirt up...
Does it cost money to be socially progressive?

yes, it is a matter of how it is done that makes me a fiscal conservative

like i have said, if it be done, best it be done well and soon or i want the biggest bang for my tax extorted dollar
A couple things, LA made huge money on the Olympics while Greece lost a stimulus worth.
Who picked Chicago, did it have anything to do with it being BHO home.
Apparently the world and most Americans don't want to go to the windy murderous city.
Translation: I deconstructed this assholes blathers with just a little truthful referal to facts and the logic derived from them. All he can do is just cover his ears and eyes and bray like an ass the SOS. And that's all he'll do from now on if I wasted more time on him.
I didn't translate it that way. :)
A couple things, LA made huge money on the Olympics while Greece lost a stimulus worth.
Who picked Chicago, did it have anything to do with it being BHO home.
Apparently the world and most Americans don't want to go to the windy murderous city.

As you pointed out, hosting the Olympics is no guarantee of being "in-the-black" for everyone.

And I, for one, could have thought of better places than Chicago to host the Olympics. But then again, Brazil has some serious areas of historical poverty and crime, so how are they going to overcome that?

Of course, we can only speculate if it was a tie in to the current Presidency that influenced this choice....but my point is that it's pretty messed up as to how the neocons are cackling with glee that something associated with Obama didn't pan out while throwing their purported patriotism and nationalism out the window.
As you pointed out, hosting the Olympics is no guarantee of being "in-the-black" for everyone.

And I, for one, could have thought of better places than Chicago to host the Olympics. But then again, Brazil has some serious areas of historical poverty and crime, so how are they going to overcome that?

Of course, we can only speculate if it was a tie in to the current Presidency that influenced this choice....but my point is that it's pretty messed up as to how the neocons are cackling with glee that something associated with Obama didn't pan out while throwing their purported patriotism and nationalism out the window.

Why do you love the HIV virus?
Being that you and Meme are practically interchangeable when it comes to intellect, I'd expect nothing less. Carry on.:cof1:

awww man, now yu urt me fweelings...sniff sniff..

and what the hell would you know about intellect for you to judge others...:pke:
Chicago proposed building an Olympic stadium for the event and then tearing it down afterwards. WTF is that? No wonder its bid got rejected in the first round.
It means he's a fascist who is fine with gay marriage and baby murder.

also, i oppose the death penalty as too lenient...

also, i want to be the first in my neighborhood to have a fully armed functional M1A1 main battle tank

do you really want to get into the abortion issue in this thread - for the record i am also pro-choice

oh well
Chicago proposed building an Olympic stadium for the event and then tearing it down afterwards. WTF is that? No wonder its bid got rejected in the first round.

That sounds weird on the surface, but here in New York we've still got the rusting monstrosity of the paladium from the 1964...with a lot of dickering as to who's going to foot the bill to refurbish it.