APP - right wing celebrates us loss of 2016 olympics

Actually, if one clicks back they will find you dissing our past president, calling him a childish name, and my post stating plain facts and a reasonable opinion about our current president, your messiah.

You can always tell when it's time for Whinnie's (aka Touchyliberal) Xanax.
He starts post in twos.

Say goodnight Whinnie. :321:
Actually, if one clicks back they will find you dissing our past president, calling him a childish name, and my post stating plain facts and a reasonable opinion about our current president, your messiah.

all thoroughly deserved

however, contrary to your belief that bho cares not for our troops, he is spending quite a bit of time consulting with his staff and the generals in order to craft a workable strategy for afghanistan before he decides what troops to deploy where

contrary to bushikins thoughtless deploying of troops during desert storm

time to get out of iraq and produce a new strategy for afghanistan - which was overlooked by bushco

oh well
however, contrary to your belief that bho cares not for our troops, he is spending quite a bit of time consulting with his staff and the generals in order to craft a workable strategy for afghanistan before he decides what troops to deploy where

really? seems that in reality he only bothered to meet with his general in Denmark to chew his ass for going to the press.....he "consulted" with him for what, 25 minutes?.......
Originally Posted by PostmodernProphet
really? seems that in reality he only bothered to meet with his general in Denmark to chew his ass for going to the press.....he "consulted" with him for what, 25 minutes?.......

what about the last few days of meetings

Bottom line: you had a military official break the rules and try to do an end run around the President to further his agenda/viewpoint. Last time that happened, MacArthur got kicked to the curb....and the world survived. Once Obama reminded the good general of his place in the scheme of things, then it was business as usual.

Obama is just going to stop trying to appease everyone, and be the President...which means sometimes kicking ass and taking names.
it has been in the news, at least on cnn about bho meeting with his staff (this includes the top brass) regarding afghanistan

googling it on Google News comes up with nothing beyond the meeting in Denmark.....unless you're referring to this...

Congressional leaders emerging from a meeting at the White House with President Obama on Afghanistan.

those aren't generals.....
And you do realize that your myopic and misleading version just won't cut it when people see the REAL chronology? It shows how you just try to change the subject, and when you're defeated, you lie.

Talk all the bullshit you want just make yourself look more foolish and pathetic, because you CANNOT ERASE THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE POSTS. But logic and facts have never deterred you before. See ya!

Not only does the chronology support my assertion, but two witnesses (posts 101 and 102) verify same. You should consider a re-diagnosis. :)
I keep praying for the day his head implodes and he puts us all out of his misery!
These types are easy to figure out just by reading what they accuse others of. For instance he has called me 'willfully ignorant; racist; parrot; stubborn'. I rather enjoy watching him flagellating around like a single-celled organism. :)
These types are easy to figure out just by reading what they accuse others of. For instance he has called me 'willfully ignorant; racist; parrot; stubborn'. I rather enjoy watching him flagellating around like a single-celled organism. :)

Whinny is just slightly above a banana slug. The fun part is watching you guys shake on the salt.
googling it on Google News comes up with nothing beyond the meeting in Denmark.....unless you're referring to this...

those aren't generals.....

heard it on abc, cbs and nbc, besides, did it say just the congressional leaders?

last report has bho saying that he plans on spending quite a bit of time deciding strategy before deciding troop involvment

not that he does not have a few other things to worry about...

my take on afghanistan is that we need more troops to provide security against al qaeda and taliban incursions

of course the current leader stealing the election does not help

another possibility is buying taliban support - seems most taliban are money motivated rather than idealism motivated

more troops would cost about $1,000,000,000/week where as buying available taliban would cost about $100,000/week
all thoroughly deserved

however, contrary to your belief that bho cares not for our troops, he is spending quite a bit of time consulting with his staff and the generals in order to craft a workable strategy for afghanistan before he decides what troops to deploy where

contrary to bushikins thoughtless deploying of troops during desert storm

time to get out of iraq and produce a new strategy for afghanistan - which was overlooked by bushco

oh well

So what do you propose we do about the bloodshedding in Iraq right now? (Yes, Iraq )

Obama told us his strategy in March. Meantime our troops are dying. There is no excuse for him to delay this any longer.
heard it on abc, cbs and nbc, besides, did it say just the congressional leaders?

last report has bho saying that he plans on spending quite a bit of time deciding strategy before deciding troop involvment

not that he does not have a few other things to worry about...

my take on afghanistan is that we need more troops to provide security against al qaeda and taliban incursions

of course the current leader stealing the election does not help

another possibility is buying taliban support - seems most taliban are money motivated rather than idealism motivated

more troops would cost about $1,000,000,000/week where as buying available taliban would cost about $100,000/week

still nothing on the news to back up a claim that Obama is consulting with his generals....I suggest that you likely misheard the claim.....
So what do you propose we do about the bloodshedding in Iraq right now? (Yes, Iraq )

Obama told us his strategy in March. Meantime our troops are dying. There is no excuse for him to delay this any longer.

UNFORTUNATELY WE HAVE A TREATY WITH IRAQ (NEGOIATED BY BUSH) REQUIRING US TO KEEP TROOPS IN IRAQ, AND IN ANOTHER WORD, LOGISTICS when the liberals were demanding that Bush get the troops out of Iraq they knew that he wouldn't be able to because there was a treaty with Iraq requiring us to keep them there?.....

or was it, when Obama was promising during the campaign to bring the troops home starting in January, that he was simply too ignorant of foreign policy to be aware that we had a treaty with Iraq which would prevent him from doing so.....

or is it that you simply came up with a really lame excuse...... when the liberals were demanding that Bush get the troops out of Iraq they knew that he wouldn't be able to because there was a treaty with Iraq requiring us to keep them there?.....

or was it, when Obama was promising during the campaign to bring the troops home starting in January, that he was simply too ignorant of foreign policy to be aware that we had a treaty with Iraq which would prevent him from doing so.....

or is it that you simply came up with a really lame excuse......

personally, i am in favor of bringing troops home from iraq - at least some of them...some i would send to afghanistan...

also, please note that troop losses in iraq have fallen of rather sharply
So what do you propose we do about the bloodshedding in Iraq right now? (Yes, Iraq )

Obama told us his strategy in March. Meantime our troops are dying. There is no excuse for him to delay this any longer.

Your point? You've supported both wars from the beginning and now you're growing a conscience?