Right Wingers~ Explain Socialism to me

I didn't answer because it was my thread and yours to answer. This isn't ignorance.

I want Right Wingers to answer it because they are tossing it around every day like it's common knowledge. "socialist liberals" and such. The reason I made the thread was to force Right Wingers to actually look up what Socialism is. Not for me to tell them what it is and for them to say "YOu are stupid!"

The reason there was no response for so long was because Right Wingers were looking it up and realizing it has nothing in common with what Fox News says it is. They were probably strong at first and then looked it up and then "Omg, what? This isn't welfare. This isn't America. We have nothing in common with Socialism"

Socialism, like Capitalism CAN have welfare. But welfare HAS NOTHING to do with Socialism. And Socialism just like Capitalism is at it's worse when the Government lets Corporations control pay and commerce. It can be done better without Government Unions have done way more for work than government ever has.

Yes, it is ignorance at best. You have had ample time to make your point, you are now exposed as a tool. Perhaps that is good for you, but the time of insulting others for attempting to answer you and being met with ridicule is over. You are the one unable to answer the question, others have, you cannot.
Yes, it is ignorance at best. You have had ample time to make your point, you are now exposed as a tool. Perhaps that is good for you, but the time of insulting others for attempting to answer you and being met with ridicule is over. You are the one unable to answer the question, others have, you cannot.

LOL! I have had ample time to make my point? It was a question kid! YOU had ample time to answer it. How am I exposed as a tool because of your ignorance?

I made a question thread so OTHERS would have to learn what I had learned. The uneducated others called me "stupid" because they re-asked that same question and I didn't research it for them.

There is no hope for the Right Wing.
I'm simply a Right Winger trying to wake up idiots like you actually. You toss around "SOCIALISM" and "COMMUNISM" and "NAZI'S!" on a daily basis.....Maybe you kids should educate yourself on what those terms actually mean. Acting ignorant and extreme does not win a brainy argument. A smarter brain does. By YOUR consideration I want an "ALL Government" since I asked you what Socialism is. Sounds pretty fuckin stupid to me. It's just a basic question, BASIC. If asking questions makes me a "Lefty" then yeehaw, I'm informed. If attacking anyone raising questions is a "Lefty" then YOU are uninformed.

What a fucking babbling load of gibberish. You need to sober up Goober and lay off of your key pad till ya do.

Smart people live in America. And the people who represent the Right Wing have NO BRAIN AT ALL

I'm simply a Right Winger trying to wake up idiots like you

Hey Goober! When you’re stoned and talking into a mirror all lefties look like “right-wingers.”
So you copy/pasted what Socialism is off the internet but you didn't absorb the actual definition of it? Later you say that "no government" is the only way to have no Socialism? You are one ignorant fuck.

What is it you think I copied & pasted Goober?

Well Goober which government do you know of that doesn’t attempt to take control of the means of production and distribution by at least some degree?

While you’re at it Goober don’t you think it’s about high time you took a feeble stab at the following? Haven’t you ignored it long enough?

SOCIALISM: a political theory or system in which the means of production and distribution are controlled by the people and operated according to equity and fairness rather than market principles {Encarta English Dictionary)

CAPITALISM: an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods, characterized by a free competitive market and motivation by profit (Encarta English Dictionary)

Which of the preceding definitions defines Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare, OSHA, 40 hour work week, National Holidays for workers and all other government social economic laws and programs? If they’re not CAPITALISM what are they? Why are they not SOCIALISM? What else is there aside from capitalism & socialism?