Not So Junior Member
I didn't answer because it was my thread and yours to answer. This isn't ignorance.
I want Right Wingers to answer it because they are tossing it around every day like it's common knowledge. "socialist liberals" and such. The reason I made the thread was to force Right Wingers to actually look up what Socialism is. Not for me to tell them what it is and for them to say "YOu are stupid!"
The reason there was no response for so long was because Right Wingers were looking it up and realizing it has nothing in common with what Fox News says it is. They were probably strong at first and then looked it up and then "Omg, what? This isn't welfare. This isn't America. We have nothing in common with Socialism"
Socialism, like Capitalism CAN have welfare. But welfare HAS NOTHING to do with Socialism. And Socialism just like Capitalism is at it's worse when the Government lets Corporations control pay and commerce. It can be done better without Government Unions have done way more for work than government ever has.
Yes, it is ignorance at best. You have had ample time to make your point, you are now exposed as a tool. Perhaps that is good for you, but the time of insulting others for attempting to answer you and being met with ridicule is over. You are the one unable to answer the question, others have, you cannot.