RIP USA - America will never have another legitimate election

Russia is a democracy where everyone has the right to vote for whomever they wish. As long as they wish to vote for Putin.

And in New America, everyone - whether they're real or not - has the right to vote for whomever they wish as many times as they can. No questions asked, because none are allowed.
Russia is a democracy where everyone has the right to vote for whomever they wish.

As long as they wish to vote for Putin.

Or any other candidate that might just happen to live through a presidential run.

And what makes you think the 2020 American election wasn't exactly like that, hmm?

They installed potato Biden against the will of the people and the media and Big Tech ran cover for it.

And the way they did it was in our faces. Like "We're doing this, and fuck you".

Your vote did not count.
What Americans can do that Third World Banana Republic people can't.

Buy matches and own smart phones...

The way you protest HR 1's passage is to start organizing "Burn your ballot" protests nationwide. You request a ballot just as the Democrats want you to. You then get with as many other people as possible and in public, on video, posted to the internet, burn it with a public declaration that is your vote. The alternative is to burn it like half way and send it in unmarked.

If you have a large movement of people protesting this way, what happens is you have say, 150 million ballots nationwide mailed out to voters and say 50 million get returned. The internet is swamped with video and pictures of people everywhere burning their ballots. The vote counting has so many half burned ballots arriving they can't conceal that fact.

It wouldn't matter if the MSM, Democrats, press, or tech giants tried to downplay or cover it up. It'd be too widespread and too common to make that work. So, let's say that happens. The Democrats retain office on a thin sliver of the total electorate in a minority vote total while ballot burning becomes a national norm. It would be a variant of flag burning so the Democrats couldn't even make it illegal and stand up in court.

The whole of the election system would be reduced in a single election to a banana republic sham of a fraudulent election and ballot burning becomes a vote of no confidence. The Democrats and Left lost because of a mass popular protest they can't stop.
I have zero interest in fighting corruption by using corrupt methods. Not the way.

" For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Mathew 16:26

Much better to allow them to commit suicide and be there ready to do the hard work of rebuilding. It wont take them long either, never does. Be patient.
I have zero interest in fighting corruption by using corrupt methods. Not the way.

" For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" Mathew 16:26

Much better to allow them to commit suicide and be there ready to do the hard work of rebuilding. It wont take them long either, never does. Be patient.

That's the nice thing about "Burn your ballot!" It isn't corrupt in the least. It is you exercising your vote in a form of public and visual protest that you don't think the system is valid.
Buy matches and own smart phones...The way you protest HR 1's passage is to start organizing "Burn your ballot" protests nationwide. You request a ballot just as the Democrats want you to. Democrats couldn't even make it illegal and stand up in court.

I found a couple of flaws in your plan. You won't need to request a ballot. You will get one whether you want it or not. DEMOCRATS will force all states to issue universal mail-in balloting. There's nothing to prevent multiple copies being sent to fake addresses, either, AFAIK, and never underestimate the power of DEMOCRATS to dismiss a legal challenge to their shenanigans.
Buy matches and own smart phones...

The way you protest HR 1's passage is to start organizing "Burn your ballot" protests nationwide. You request a ballot just as the Democrats want you to. You then get with as many other people as possible and in public, on video, posted to the internet, burn it with a public declaration that is your vote. The alternative is to burn it like half way and send it in unmarked.

If you have a large movement of people protesting this way, what happens is you have say, 150 million ballots nationwide mailed out to voters and say 50 million get returned. The internet is swamped with video and pictures of people everywhere burning their ballots. The vote counting has so many half burned ballots arriving they can't conceal that fact.

It wouldn't matter if the MSM, Democrats, press, or tech giants tried to downplay or cover it up. It'd be too widespread and too common to make that work. So, let's say that happens. The Democrats retain office on a thin sliver of the total electorate in a minority vote total while ballot burning becomes a national norm. It would be a variant of flag burning so the Democrats couldn't even make it illegal and stand up in court.

The whole of the election system would be reduced in a single election to a banana republic sham of a fraudulent election and ballot burning becomes a vote of no confidence. The Democrats and Left lost because of a mass popular protest they can't stop.

I like it.
I found a couple of flaws in your plan. You won't need to request a ballot. You will get one whether you want it or not. DEMOCRATS will force all states to issue universal mail-in balloting. There's nothing to prevent multiple copies being sent to fake addresses, either, AFAIK, and never underestimate the power of DEMOCRATS to dismiss a legal challenge to their shenanigans.

That's where the public and visual record comes in. You burning yours on video makes it impossible for the Democrats or anyone else to claim you somehow voted versus burned your ballot. If done in mass protests where thousands of people burn their ballots while it being recorded, how do the Democrats or anyone else manage a claim they won an election where it is clear that millions nationwide burned their ballot rather than submit it?
The same goes for simply half burning it and sending it in. What do the election officials do with tens of thousands of half burned, unfilled out ballots? How do they hide that from the public? You know that even if it's just Red states with poll watchers this would be a huge problem to try and cover up for those intent on fixing elections.
Buy matches and own smart phones...

The way you protest HR 1's passage is to start organizing "Burn your ballot" protests nationwide. You request a ballot just as the Democrats want you to. You then get with as many other people as possible and in public, on video, posted to the internet, burn it with a public declaration that is your vote. The alternative is to burn it like half way and send it in unmarked.

If you have a large movement of people protesting this way, what happens is you have say, 150 million ballots nationwide mailed out to voters and say 50 million get returned. The internet is swamped with video and pictures of people everywhere burning their ballots. The vote counting has so many half burned ballots arriving they can't conceal that fact.

It wouldn't matter if the MSM, Democrats, press, or tech giants tried to downplay or cover it up. It'd be too widespread and too common to make that work. So, let's say that happens. The Democrats retain office on a thin sliver of the total electorate in a minority vote total while ballot burning becomes a national norm. It would be a variant of flag burning so the Democrats couldn't even make it illegal and stand up in court.

The whole of the election system would be reduced in a single election to a banana republic sham of a fraudulent election and ballot burning becomes a vote of no confidence. The Democrats and Left lost because of a mass popular protest they can't stop.

There's something wrong with this plan I can't quite put my finger on.. maybe I'm wrong? :dunno:
Oh! I know how it could work! It can work if everybody is a registered Democrat! Yes!

I already am! Oops. :palm: