robdawg right every time

Apparently you have the same problem as many have, and in your case has been claimed ---that is of deciding what others mean or think. I checked both of your links, and it is obvoius that your are right :rolleyes: Yes you did "base" your post on what you "assumed"I meant. not what I said. I did not say nor imply that in "EITHER" case.
Apparently you have the same problem as many have, and in your case has been claimed ---that is of deciding what others mean or think. I checked both of your links, and it is obvoius that your are right :rolleyes: Yes you did "base" your post on what you "assumed"I meant. not what I said. I did not say nor imply that in "EITHER" case.
To me, ANY sick religious Joke is offnsive, and I am not religious, just sensitive to the feelings of others.

So, I was somehow supposed to think you meant that you were not offended. Let me see? "To me, ANY sick religious Joke is offnsive(sic)," Pretty much tells me that you are offended by anybody making fun of somebody's religion.

Please explain to me how I could think otherwise?
Damo, it has to be 'sick' to be offensive. Not just religious, but has to be a 'sick religious joke'. Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean to him, it certainly comes across as 'religious jokes are offensive' to everyone else.
So, I was somehow supposed to think you meant that you were not offended. Let me see? "To me, ANY sick religious Joke is offnsive(sic)," Pretty much tells me that you are offended by anybody making fun of somebody's religion.

Please explain to me how I could think otherwise?

Donnies likely response

Damo, it has to be 'sick' to be offensive. Not just religious, but has to be a 'sick religious joke'. Whatever the hell that is supposed to mean to him, it certainly comes across as 'religious jokes are offensive' to everyone else.
'sick' is very subjective. It was why I warned the other person to 'be careful'. Of course, it was a joke that was taken poorly by the person who must have had a humorectomy long ago.
That is quite obvious. absolutely NOTHING appears to be offensive to you.

god-damnit, I just pooped myself again!

Donny, you shouldn't share all that information with us.

*The above quote is obviously edited, but I'm sure Donny will cry and it will be funny*
So, I was somehow supposed to think you meant that you were not offended. Let me see? "To me, ANY sick religious Joke is offnsive(sic)," Pretty much tells me that you are offended by anybody making fun of somebody's religion.

Please explain to me how I could think otherwise?
If you would go back ti the original statement that you made and to which I disagreed,

(quote)Hey! Being sarcastic about people's religious belief is a huge offense, according to doniston! (unquote)

You will see that it was simply your opinion that I thought it was a "Huge" offense, I neither said nor implied any such thing It was your mealy imagination which manufactured it. You can beleive any crap you want, but when you falsely state what I say or mean, I will definitely react.
So, I was somehow supposed to think you meant that you were not offended. Let me see? "To me, ANY sick religious Joke is offnsive(sic)," Pretty much tells me that you are offended by anybody making fun of somebody's religion.

Please explain to me how I could think otherwise?
If you would go back ti the original statement that you made and to which I disagreed,

(quote)Hey! Being sarcastic about people's religious belief is a huge offense, according to doniston! (unquote)

You will see that it was simply your opinion that I thought it was a "Huge" offense, I neither said nor implied any such thing It was your mealy imagination which manufactured it. You can beleive any crap you want, but when you falsely state what I say or mean, I will definitely react. I an strongly opposed to intentionally false statements.
Like I said, you are talking in circles. This, plainly and simply, does not involve the Feds as I stated at the outset, have repeated and did so in the last post.

Further, you are wrong. I would support a supermajority at the federal level for tax or debt level increases. However, that would require an amendment for it to be effective. No such amendment, to the federal constitution (it might need amendment to the state) is required here.

Your point, is without merit.

I contend that my point does have merit. And I am stickin with that! My final answer, Locked in.
Donnies likely response

So obviously Superfreak was wrong ---again. However for anyone who would otherwise be confised by my lack of comment ---TO WIT:.............................

This only indicates that I have acknowleged the post but decline to respond. at theis point this will include "ALL" of the posts generated by RUS, ASSHAT, and Superfreak.
If you would go back ti the original statement that you made and to which I disagreed,

(quote)Hey! Being sarcastic about people's religious belief is a huge offense, according to doniston! (unquote)

You will see that it was simply your opinion that I thought it was a "Huge" offense, I neither said nor implied any such thing It was your mealy imagination which manufactured it. You can beleive any crap you want, but when you falsely state what I say or mean, I will definitely react. I an strongly opposed to intentionally false statements.
We come to the sight to find out and discuss opinion. Give it a rest! You spend way too much time finding miniscule reasons to be 'offended' and very little time actually discussing issues.

I can't see why anybody who has so little time left would want to spend so much of it 'offended' by what somebody else did. I personally hope to be living my life at that time and not spending so much energy trying to live other's.
We come to the sight to find out and discuss opinion. Give it a rest! You spend way too much time finding miniscule reasons to be 'offended' and very little time actually discussing issues.

I can't see why anybody who has so little time left would want to spend so much of it 'offended' by what somebody else did. I personally hope to be living my life at that time and not spending so much energy trying to live other's.

*claps* Yay Damo!
We come to the sight to find out and discuss opinion. Give it a rest! You spend way too much time finding miniscule reasons to be 'offended' and very little time actually discussing issues.

I can't see why anybody who has so little time left would want to spend so much of it 'offended' by what somebody else did. I personally hope to be living my life at that time and not spending so much energy trying to live other's.

Wow! I've been trying to find a way to say that more gently, but you've hit it on the head! Sorry Don but he's right.
I contend that my point does have merit. And I am stickin with that! My final answer, Locked in.

You have made only baseless assertions. A valid point would require some sort coherent and non circular argument. You have provided none.

Simple question, since you don't seem to understand the formulation of an argument.

How does it violate the letter or intent of the constitution?

If you can not offer no argument, then your assertion is baseless and without merit.
You have made only baseless assertions. A valid point would require some sort coherent and non circular argument. You have provided none.

Simple question, since you don't seem to understand the formulation of an argument.

How does it violate the letter or intent of the constitution?

If you can not offer no argument, then your assertion is baseless and without merit.

Hey now I have just as much right as you do to make baseless and without merit statements :)

But then I do not consider mine to hold such a status.
Hey now I have just as much right as you do to make baseless and without merit statements :)

But then I do not consider mine to hold such a status.

Great, then can you repeat the argument you offered, cause I apparently missed it.

All I have seen, is statements to the effect that it violates the letter or intent of the constitution. Still waiting for the basis for that assertion.