Rock Band



Hello, I am a Rock Band Addict...

It is one of the reasons I haven't been on here much, lately.

Who else has gotten a chance to experience this game?
I understand your addiction. WHo would have thought that playing plastic guitars and drums is more fun that playing the real thing.
Hello, I am a Rock Band Addict...

It is one of the reasons I haven't been on here much, lately.

Who else has gotten a chance to experience this game?

I got it for my girls kid. Been wanting to play it more, but have not gotten to it.
Does it even teach you how to play the real thing at all?

speaking as someone that has played guitar for 12 years:

I think guitar hero/rock band absolutely help you in some regards to playing the real guitar... it really teaches you rhythm and timing which for a lot of n00bs is a hard thing to grasp.
speaking as someone that has played guitar for 12 years:

I think guitar hero/rock band absolutely help you in some regards to playing the real guitar... it really teaches you rhythm and timing which for a lot of n00bs is a hard thing to grasp.

This might be something for the virgins, Asshat and Gonzo to look into then.
lol darla, you get an A for effort, but don't be so desperate for one liners and zingers, they'll screw up enough to give you gold :)
Here is a hint: if you want to be a cunt and take potshots at people in threads that they aren't even talking to you in, you should probably grow big enough balls to take them off ignore so that you receive their responses.
Here is a hint: if you want to be a cunt and take potshots at people in threads that they aren't even talking to you in, you should probably grow big enough balls to take them off ignore so that you receive their responses.
Duh, I"m talking about this.

And if you missed asshat using it at least five times today, you can find it yourself. But this is what I am specifically referring to.
Indeed, I used language! I'm such a horrible person for using a word. You know who else used that word? Chaucer...and for those of you who want to dispute that it meant something different back then, so did James Joyce.

If you want to stop being called that, stop acting like one, or grow some thicker skin.
Duh, I"m talking about this.

And if you missed asshat using it at least five times today, you can find it yourself. But this is what I am specifically referring to.
I just randomly picked one of his posts and quoted it. I didn't read it or mean it for any special message to you.

However, if I had it would have been to see you tear into somebody for using the word...
I thought you picked it to show her that it is lame to attack people while you have them on ignore.
M'eh. I didn't read it carefully enough. Any post would do, but I would have picked one without that word or given more of a reason for it had I actually read carefully.

I was basically giving back what had been given, but it all backfired on me. Instant karma...