Romney on Energy and Climate Change

Yes, he's a big time war supporter. I hope he gets the nomination.

Though, actually, other than Hagel, you guys don't have another one do you?
Time to look at this guy a little closer. He speaks well and seems very confident... he will be the republican nominee...

You know Klaatu, I think if Fred Thompson runs, he might get the nomination. I mean just look at him man. He's stern looking. Authoritarian. He looks just like Daddy.

Republican women love that. I don't it's going to be Romney, though I'd put my money on him before the media favs Rudy and McCain. They're out.
You know Klaatu, I think if Fred Thompson runs, he might get the nomination. I mean just look at him man. He's stern looking. Authoritarian. He looks just like Daddy.

Republican women love that. I don't it's going to be Romney, though I'd put my money on him before the media favs Rudy and McCain. They're out.

Yeah I agree, if he runs Thompson might just win the whole tamale. He is a movie star after all.
I'm stern looking and authoritarian when I need to be. In my classroom and when I am in charge of something it is my way or you're outta here. I paddled a 10th grader for cussing last Friday. So those are not necessarily negative attributes in my book. Took my boy out and spanked him last night because he wouldn't listen to his aunt. Again, he's got to learn to do things my way and that includes respecting/minding his elders. A little discipline wouldn't hurt the nation right now. I am not thrilled about Thompson's war stance but I like him on most other issues.
I'm stern looking and authoritarian when I need to be. In my classroom and when I am in charge of something it is my way or you're outta here. I paddled a 10th grader for cussing last Friday. So those are not necessarily negative attributes in my book. Took my boy out and spanked him last night because he wouldn't listen to his aunt. Again, he's got to learn to do things my way and that includes respecting/minding his elders. A little discipline wouldn't hurt the nation right now. I am not thrilled about Thompson's war stance but I like him on most other issues.

Really. Well, I personally don't want a 70 year old bald man spanking me, but to each their own. I know that Republican women love that sort of guy.

So you use corporal punishment on your students? No school policy against that?
Really. Well, I personally don't want a 70 year old bald man spanking me, but to each their own. I know that Republican women love that sort of guy.

So you use corporal punishment on your students? No school policy against that?

There is not school or state policy against the use of corporal punishment in Oklahoma. Parents must have written a letter stating that their child is not to receive corporal punishment and it must be in the child's permanent folder, otherwise corporal punishment is an option. Most of the time, whether one has a letter on file or not, a choice of punishment is given, such as in the case I stated above, the student was given a choice of 3 swats or 1/2 day of Saturday school.
And he's a brother in "The Craft".:rolleyes:
Um... As far as I know he is not a Freemason if that was what you were attempting to say.

At most, if people agreed with your idea that all Mormons are Freemasons, he would be considered a "Clandestine" Mason and would not receive any such support from the Fraternity.
There is not school or state policy against the use of corporal punishment in Oklahoma. Parents must have written a letter stating that their child is not to receive corporal punishment and it must be in the child's permanent folder, otherwise corporal punishment is an option. Most of the time, whether one has a letter on file or not, a choice of punishment is given, such as in the case I stated above, the student was given a choice of 3 swats or 1/2 day of Saturday school.

Oh, the opt-out rule, much like the military recruiters have.

Well, I would have a letter on file, and no one would hit my child twice, i can tell you that. Also, to me, if they misbehaved, having to attend Saturday school, is something they are far more likely to learn something good from. Rather than learning that violence is a way to solve problems, they learn that there are consequences for their actions, and have Saturday to reflect on them.
Oh, the opt-out rule, much like the military recruiters have.

Well, I would have a letter on file, and no one would hit my child twice, i can tell you that. Also, to me, if they misbehaved, having to attend Saturday school, is something they are far more likely to learn something good from. Rather than learning that violence is a way to solve problems, they learn that there are consequences for their actions, and have Saturday to reflect on them.

But violence is how many problems are solved. why give your child a warped view of the world?
But violence is how many problems are solved. why give your child a warped view of the world?

Because if we continue to teach our children that violence is how many problems are solved, then violence will always be how many problems are solved.

What if we taught them something different? What would happen then?
Strangely ..he's got a Kennedyesque (JFK) way about him.... He's moderate on many issues ... he is now raising some serious money. I didnt think Id like this Big Love Candidate..but Im now starting to pay a little closer attention.

Fred Thompson? Dont like his energy stance.. he has zero input and is status quo on many of the issues this administration favors on Iraq.
I agree with Darla. It conveys the idea that those who can project the most force are the spring of authority. This explains American policy.
Strangely ..he's got a Kennedyesque (JFK) way about him.... He's moderate on many issues ... he is now raising some serious money. I didnt think Id like this Big Love Candidate..but Im now starting to pay a little closer attention.

Fred Thompson? Dont like his energy stance.. he has zero input and is status quo on many of the issues this administration favors on Iraq.

But the base is still with Bush on a lot of things. I see Thompson as being very formbidable in the primary.

Romney is very handsome. That and the religion thing, are the only resemblances I see to JFK. But I'm not an expert on either.
Because if we continue to teach our children that violence is how many problems are solved, then violence will always be how many problems are solved.

What if we taught them something different? What would happen then?
I will teach my children to defend themselves, even if violence is needed to do so. Pretending that you can resolve the violence of others by simply ignoring it and teaching that violence can never be a right action is detrimental to your children.

That being said, I would never allow violence as "punishment". It teaches that might makes right.
Because if we continue to teach our children that violence is how many problems are solved, then violence will always be how many problems are solved.

What if we taught them something different? What would happen then?

Some problems will always be solved with violence. Armed robbers, and tweaking crackheads committing atrocious acts will always need to dealt with through violence. You will use violence to defend the totalitarian state your ilk envisions.
I agree with Darla. It conveys the idea that those who can project the most force are the spring of authority. This explains American policy.

I think it goes a long way. But also, its effects on personal makeup of an adult. Have you ever been party to one of those conversations? The ones where adults sit around talking about the youth of today, and how the problem is parents don't "discipline" their children. And then, they all attempt to one-up each other about how badly they were beaten when they were children? I have, to so many. One of them in my office, was just terrible. This woman starts saying "oh forget it, my mother? she would never have put up with that, she used to hit me with a wire hanger". But she knew it was because she loved her. This woman was a sad case to begin with, and that almost made me cry.

No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.