Romney on Energy and Climate Change

the faith of mormonism is based upon the teachings of freemasonry. It's not just Joseph smith was a mason.

and I'm just sure there are aspects of Masonry you're unfamiliar with.
Wha? Based on Freemasonry? LOL. Yeah. Okay.

It is based, IMO, on the ramblings of a man with his head in a hat.
His head where Damo ? :D
As far as I understand it, dude took a hat put some "golden tablets" that he wouldn't let anybody else look at, and placed them inside the hat. Using special spectacles delivered by Moroni he was able to stick his face into the hat and "translate" the tablets.

However the dude who wrote down his translation goes home and starts telling his wife about it. She says, "Well, if you want to be sure it is real go and ask him to translate them again and see if it comes out the same!"

So he does. It wasn't quite the same. However, he told the guy that God had given him the meaning, not the exact words. The guy believes him and is one of those who signed the book as "True" early on. So he then takes the tablets out and buries them, but then they disappear so that nobody can ever check the veracity of the story.

So, wear some glasses and stick your head in a hat and you are likely to hear the "meaning" of golden tablets if you happen to stumble upon any.

Of course this story has nothing at all to do with Freemasonry which uses a symbolic story of the building of King Solomon's Temple to teach integrity and virtue, knowing the story to be almost entirely fabricated to teach these things... it is symbolic, not factual history.

So, if you match up those stories can you tell me how they are alike at all? I can't. You have to be walking around with a hat on your face to think they are "based on the teachings of Freemasonry". It is laughable.
You would also have to ignore the whole idea that he was kicked from the fraternity and that many of the christians who chased them across the nation to Utah were Freemasons...