Romney on Energy and Climate Change

But anyhoo, yes, the anti-human crowd is aggrandizing gayness to lower birth rates.

So it is your belief that children can be made to become gay through school tolerance programs.

Excuse my Socratic method.
But anyhoo, yes, the anti-human crowd is aggrandizing gayness to lower birth rates.

So it is your belief that children can be made to become gay through school tolerance programs.

Excuse my Socratic method.

The likelihood can be increased, though fundamentally I believe sexual orientation is a product of intrauterine hormonal exposure during gestation. Kids can be misled and spend years trying to be gay to fit in, when they could be focused on their true orientation.
I would say environment such as one of tolerance may lead to a a lack of the need to suppress one's latent homosexual tendencies by removing the fear of violence.

If you think that is a negative I would disagree.

As for fitting in there are few social dynamics a child may find himself in that one would fit into by being gay. Most children of gay parents are straight.

We may see more homosexuality as a result of these programs not because it instill within them homosexual desires but instead removes the fear of its expression.

Childhood trauma can also make homosexual expression more likely but this dynamic doesn't apply to what we are talking about.
I don't see any direct negatives in homosexuality. If I was trying to repopulate a planet it may be less than ideal but if anything homosexuals contributing to a lower birth rate is a positive given the worlds situation. Besides many homosexuals procreate anyway.
I don't see any direct negatives in homosexuality. If I was trying to repopulate a planet it may be less than ideal but if anything homosexuals contributing to a lower birth rate is a positive given the worlds situation. Besides many homosexuals procreate anyway.

So you're part of the anti-human crowd.
What consitutes anti-human. I'm not advocating abortion if thats what you mean. But world population growth is a danger although I am not suggesting any kind of regulation if that is what you are implying.

I like humanity I have the highest hopes for it. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent though. It is not a duty of each individual human to contribute toward the increasing of humanitys numbers. Humans on our planet have specialized purposes.

As long as you are contributing to the betterment of man I see no problem. There are other ways to contribute than reproduction.
Back on Topic, I just am amazed that people are actually believing what a politician says in campaign advertisements. Which are specifically exempt from truth in advertising law.
What consitutes anti-human. I'm not advocating abortion if thats what you mean. But world population growth is a danger although I am not suggesting any kind of regulation if that is what you are implying.

I like humanity I have the highest hopes for it. Not everyone is cut out to be a parent though. It is not a duty of each individual human to contribute toward the increasing of humanitys numbers. Humans on our planet have specialized purposes.

As long as you are contributing to the betterment of man I see no problem. There are other ways to contribute than reproduction.

So you're for eugenics. Selective breeding according to criteria you specify?
Um... As far as I know he is not a Freemason if that was what you were attempting to say.

At most, if people agreed with your idea that all Mormons are Freemasons, he would be considered a "Clandestine" Mason and would not receive any such support from the Fraternity.

Right, because masons frown on any clandestine activities whatsoever.:rolleyes:
Is that lie #206.4?
Right, because masons frown on any clandestine activities whatsoever.:rolleyes:
Is that lie #206.4?
You honestly have no idea of what I am speaking. A "clandestine" mason is one "made" outside a properly constituted lodge. And if you knew as much as you pretend to do about Masons you would know that each swears to have no masonic discourse with a clandestinely made mason.

So, basically the idea that, first of all, all LDS are Freemasons is total fabrication based on the fact that JS was a Freemason only. That is like saying all switch engineers are Freemasons because Alexander Graham Bell was, or like saying. All Christians are Freemasons because the guy who started it all was a Christian. It's total garbage in-garbage out, made up crap.

But, if they actually were, they would be "clandestinely made" and thus would receive no such "support" that you might think they would because of being such.
You honestly have no idea of what I am speaking. A "clandestine" mason is one "made" outside a properly constituted lodge. And if you knew as much as you pretend to do about Masons you would know that each swears to have no masonic discourse with a clandestinely made mason.

So, basically the idea that, first of all, all LDS are Freemasons is total fabrication based on the fact that JS was a Freemason only. That is like saying all switch engineers are Freemasons because Alexander Graham Bell was, or like saying. All Christians are Freemasons because the guy who started it all was a Christian. It's total garbage in-garbage out, made up crap.

But, if they actually were, they would be "clandestinely made" and thus would receive no such "support" that you might think they would because of being such.

the faith of mormonism is based upon the teachings of freemasonry. It's not just Joseph smith was a mason.

and I'm just sure there are aspects of Masonry you're unfamiliar with.
And what church does Bush go to ? Does that make that denomination a warmongering lying religion ?

I believe all organized christian churches of any significant size have been infiltrated by agenteurs of the illuminati. So most likely, yes, Bush attends a satanically controlled church which espouses wrong doctrine.