Romney on Energy and Climate Change

Back to Romney; when does this guy get the serial exaggerator label that Gore got? The serial flip-flopper one that Kerry got?

He has been telling audiences that he is a "life-long hunter".

He's been hunting twice.

LOL Great point. Jesus, this guy has pandered and flip-flopped to an extent that any Democrat would have had to drop out by now. He voted for liberal Democrat Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic primaries.
LOL Great point. Jesus, this guy has pandered and flip-flopped to an extent that any Democrat would have had to drop out by now. He voted for liberal Democrat Paul Tsongas in the 1992 Democratic primaries.

He'd be slaughtered if he were running as a dem. I can't believe the crap this guy is pulling. I can see the mocking pictures of mr. tough guy hunter now.
I honestly don't know about that. But I think it's a huge problem in the Christian community overall, and I think it's based in the spare the rod, spoil the child thing. I have yet to see anybody expouse beatings the way a true bible-thumper will.

Of course, it can't be a black thing, it has to be a christian thing.
I honestly don't know about that. But I think it's a huge problem in the Christian community overall, and I think it's based in the spare the rod, spoil the child thing. I have yet to see anybody expouse beatings the way a true bible-thumper will.

Of course ideas like baby-wise come from fundies.
Of course, it can't be a black thing, it has to be a christian thing.

The people I personally have known who have recounted their childhood beatings in a nostalgic manner, have been white. And Christian.

I tried to figure out a way to blame it on The Jews, but unfortuntely, I don't know any jews who brag about being beaten as children.

I pray you're not contributing to the gene pool, and that you have offspring.

Anyone who teaches children to solve problems through violence, should have a court-mandated vasectomy.

You do your children no good by insulating them from the realities of the world, or by filling their heads with hippy trash.

So you don't believe in violence, but I should sterilized against my will? What a hypocrite. You're a nazi.
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You do your children no good by insulating them from the realities of the world, or by filling their heads with hippy trash.

So you don't believe in violence, but I should sterilized against my will? What a hypocrite. You're a nazi.
Your "kind" must be controlled through any means including the violent removal against your will of your testicles. Yeah, I'd say that would teach all the kids that "might isn't right".

Darla, he really does have you there. That is a hyprocritical stance against violence.
Your "kind" must be controlled through any means including the violent removal against your will of your testicles. Yeah, I'd say that would teach all the kids that "might isn't right".

Darla, he really does have you there. That is a hyprocritical stance against violence.

Huh? I'm not the one who advocated slicing and dicing him.

And I think that Cypress was joking.

Personally, I honestly fear for AHZ's offspring, should he have any. But I don't advocate the state mandating he can't have any, even if, I believe the end result would be a better one.
You do your children no good by insulating them from the realities of the world, or by filling their heads with hippy trash.

I think there's a 99% chance you don't have kids. I think you're marginally insane or crazy, and no woman will have you.

I think I did a pretty good job teaching my step kids how to handle life, without violence.

So you don't believe in violence, but I should sterilized against my will? What a hypocrite. You're a nazi.

The court-mandated thing was hyperbole. Do I think you should voluntarily sterlize yourself, for the sake of the human race? Yes.
I must say, darla does have point that "teachers spanking your kids IS the state using violence to mold your kid." That is true. I don't want my kid beaten into acceptance of Homosexuality and socialism worship.
The people I personally have known who have recounted their childhood beatings in a nostalgic manner, have been white. And Christian.

I tried to figure out a way to blame it on The Jews, but unfortuntely, I don't know any jews who brag about being beaten as children.

I agree with Darla here in that I believe that "corporal punishment" (used in place of your "being beaten":)) is most definitely a Christian thing. After all, it is taught by the Bible, the book Christians are supposed to be following. I am not silly enough to think that all people who use corporal punishment are Christians no more than I think that all Christians use corporal punishment. But the idea itself is most definitely Bible based. (and I'm sure this will bring some ridicule from some)
Huh? I'm not the one who advocated slicing and dicing him.

And I think that Cypress was joking.

Personally, I honestly fear for AHZ's offspring, should he have any. But I don't advocate the state mandating he can't have any, even if, I believe the end result would be a better one.
Oops sorry. It is hypocritical to say, "Don't teach violence or we will violate you!"
with some children/people are just harder to get their attention, so they will listen to you.
Bush needs a good public paddling :D
He is a politician running for President. what is Mitt's track record on those subjects ?
Remember Bush said he was against Nation building and the US being the police force of the world.
homosexuality-worship. that sentence was odd. I don't want him beaten into homosexuality-worship.

Ok but do you think the schools are going to indoctrinate him into the worship of homosexuals.
That seems rather rediculous to me.

From what I have seen at this point is that schools teach children to be tolerant of homosexuals and that they are human like anyone else.

Saying that this is worship doesn't follow. Worship implies that homosexuals would be elevated above heterosexuals by a large margin. I don't see this happening.