Romney on Energy and Climate Change

I think it goes a long way. But also, its effects on personal makeup of an adult. Have you ever been party to one of those conversations? The ones where adults sit around talking about the youth of today, and how the problem is parents don't "discipline" their children. And then, they all attempt to one-up each other about how badly they were beaten when they were children? I have, to so many. One of them in my office, was just terrible. This woman starts saying "oh forget it, my mother? she would never have put up with that, she used to hit me with a wire hanger". But she knew it was because she loved her. This woman was a sad case to begin with, and that almost made me cry.

No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.

But there are violently enforced limits to behavior in the world, and if you go far enough, you will find them. Isn't it better that they learn this early on.

granted, I don't espouse abuse for most situations, but if you do NOT smack your toddler for running into the street, you are a bad parent.
I will teach my children to defend themselves, even if violence is needed to do so. Pretending that you can resolve the violence of others by simply ignoring it and teaching that violence can never be a right action is detrimental to your children.

That being said, I would never allow violence as "punishment". It teaches that might makes right.

Damo, I am not a pacifist and would not teach my children that either. I agree with your conclusion here though.
But there are violently enforced limits to behavior in the world, and if you go far enough, you will find them. Isn't it better that they learn this early on.

granted, I don't espouse abuse for most situations, but if you do NOT smack your toddler for running into the street, you are a bad parent.

A one and a half year old, who cannot be made to understand that sticking their finger into an electrical outlet can kill them once they've figure out how to take out the plastic safety cap, (and i"ve had some experience with this exact situation), might need a light tap on their fingers to get the point across. Other than very extreme situations like that, I simply believe it teaches the wrong lesson.
A one and a half year old, who cannot be made to understand that sticking their finger into an electrical outlet can kill them once they've figure out how to take out the plastic safety cap, (and i"ve had some experience with this exact situation), might need a light tap on their fingers to get the point across. Other than very extreme situations like that, I simply believe it teaches the wrong lesson.

It's an accurate lesson, despite your utopian and ultimately society-destroying delusions.
You know Klaatu, I think if Fred Thompson runs, he might get the nomination. I mean just look at him man. He's stern looking. Authoritarian. He looks just like Daddy.

Republican women love that. I don't it's going to be Romney, though I'd put my money on him before the media favs Rudy and McCain. They're out.

Doesn't it seem like the republicans don't really have a viable candidate? Like, they're just looking for a sacrificial lamb to throw out there - kind of like Dole in 1996? Like, they don't really expect to win?

C'mon - geriatric, war-crazed McCain..... crazy Rudy....Romney? A one-term governor from Mass? Brownback? Gingrich? I could be wrong, but I don't think any of these guys could beat an Obama, an Edwards, a Richardson. I don't even think they could beat a Hillary.
Doesn't it seem like the republicans don't really have a viable candidate? Like, they're just looking for a sacrificial lamb to throw out there - kind of like Dole in 1996? Like, they don't really expect to win?

C'mon - geriatric, war-crazed McCain..... crazy Rudy....Romney? A one-term governor from Mass? Brownback? Gingrich? I could be wrong, but I don't think any of these guys could beat an Obama, an Edwards, a Richardson. I don't even think they could beat a Hillary.

That's why they are still running around looking for someone who can excite their own base, I think. We have a much better field this year.
No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.

I'll guarantee you that every time I discipline my boy, whether it is a spanking or time out, it is an expression of love. I would never use a wire hanger or extention cord or some of the autrocious things I have heard people use, but I love my kid and don't want him to grow up not knowing how to behave. This is how many people wind up dead or in prison or in some other serious trouble. They act with impunity not calculating the consequences of their actions because they never have had to. Every time I started to do something I knew I would be punished for I had to stop and think, is it worth it. We need more stopping and thinking going on in society.

I also know that people raise good kids without using corporal punishment and I applaud them for it. I choose to us it with mine and do use it as the ultimate action right now. I have rules for myself and abide by them. I never spank him when I am angry and I always talk with him about the why before and after. It may not work for all folks but it has worked well in our family. Our family, both immediate and extended, is still very close and loving. Sometimes we do reminisce about the times we got into trouble and the punishment we received...........always concluding that we were better off for it.
I'll guarantee you that every time I discipline my boy, whether it is a spanking or time out, it is an expression of love. I would never use a wire hanger or extention cord or some of the autrocious things I have heard people use, but I love my kid and don't want him to grow up not knowing how to behave. This is how many people wind up dead or in prison or in some other serious trouble. They act with impunity not calculating the consequences of their actions because they never have had to. Every time I started to do something I knew I would be punished for I had to stop and think, is it worth it. We need more stopping and thinking going on in society.

I also know that people raise good kids without using corporal punishment and I applaud them for it. I choose to us it with mine and do use it as the ultimate action right now. I have rules for myself and abide by them. I never spank him when I am angry and I always talk with him about the why before and after. It may not work for all folks but it has worked well in our family. Our family, both immediate and extended, is still very close and loving. Sometimes we do reminisce about the times we got into trouble and the punishment we received...........always concluding that we were better off for it.

The "spanking is abuse" crowd doesn't want parents to mold their children. They want the state to do it. So if they can villify you and stop you from doing your job, they can step in. this is darla.
But violence is how many problems are solved. why give your child a warped view of the world?


I pray you're not contributing to the gene pool, and that you have offspring.

Anyone who teaches children to solve problems through violence, should have a court-mandated vasectomy.
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The "spanking is abuse" crowd doesn't want parents to mold their children. They want the state to do it. So if they can villify you and stop you from doing your job, they can step in. this is darla.

A teacher being able to hit my child against my wishes, is the state molding my children, you incredible goof.
The "spanking is abuse" crowd doesn't want parents to mold their children. They want the state to do it. So if they can villify you and stop you from doing your job, they can step in. this is darla.

I don't really think this is darla but I do know there are folks out there who would disallow corporal punishment. A lot of it has to do with folks who actually abuse their kids (ie. whipping with hangers and such). I saw a special, I think it was on 20/20 or one of those shows where they followed a family who used corporal punishment. They didn't put these two parents in a negative light on the show but the last interview was with an "expert" complaining that corporal punishment never works. This was about 20 or so years ago. I wonder if they ever did a follow up on that.
I'll guarantee you that every time I discipline my boy, whether it is a spanking or time out, it is an expression of love. I would never use a wire hanger or extention cord or some of the autrocious things I have heard people use, but I love my kid and don't want him to grow up not knowing how to behave. This is how many people wind up dead or in prison or in some other serious trouble. They act with impunity not calculating the consequences of their actions because they never have had to. Every time I started to do something I knew I would be punished for I had to stop and think, is it worth it. We need more stopping and thinking going on in society.

I also know that people raise good kids without using corporal punishment and I applaud them for it. I choose to us it with mine and do use it as the ultimate action right now. I have rules for myself and abide by them. I never spank him when I am angry and I always talk with him about the why before and after. It may not work for all folks but it has worked well in our family. Our family, both immediate and extended, is still very close and loving. Sometimes we do reminisce about the times we got into trouble and the punishment we received...........always concluding that we were better off for it.

Listen, that's your choice, and I'm glad to hear you don't do it in an angry state. I simply insist on my and others having the choice not to, and not to have others take it upon themselves to do it for them.

I pray you're not contributing to the gene pool, and that you have offspring.

Anyone who teaches children to solve problems through violence, should have a court-mandated vasectomy.

Speaking of a vasectomy, did you hear about the poor fellow who had testicular cancer and went in to have the infected testicle removed....and the doctor removed the wrong one? I smell a lawsuit.
Some problems will always be solved with violence. Armed robbers, and tweaking crackheads committing atrocious acts will always need to dealt with through violence. You will use violence to defend the totalitarian state your ilk envisions.

I would say we should teach our children to not initiate violence. I have a daughter and I intend for her to learn martial arts. I don't want her beating people up but if a man put his hands on her I want her to cave in his scrotum.
Listen, that's your choice, and I'm glad to hear you don't do it in an angry state. I simply insist on my and others having the choice not to, and not to have others take it upon themselves to do it for them.

If your kid is high and waving a gun at a convenience store clerk, would you feel differently? Or is he to still be coddled.

The point is this, if you never hold the absolute line, then your kid will find it, with much more severe consequences.
I think it goes a long way. But also, its effects on personal makeup of an adult. Have you ever been party to one of those conversations? The ones where adults sit around talking about the youth of today, and how the problem is parents don't "discipline" their children. And then, they all attempt to one-up each other about how badly they were beaten when they were children? I have, to so many. One of them in my office, was just terrible. This woman starts saying "oh forget it, my mother? she would never have put up with that, she used to hit me with a wire hanger". But she knew it was because she loved her. This woman was a sad case to begin with, and that almost made me cry.

No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.

This is especially a big problem in the black community. Its the legacy of slavery.
Listen, that's your choice, and I'm glad to hear you don't do it in an angry state. I simply insist on my and others having the choice not to, and not to have others take it upon themselves to do it for them.

I do to. I don't want to impose my ways on everyone on a personal level. You have to understand, when it comes to our school policy, we are a small community and are almost as close-knit as a family. Most of our parents demand (and they do this because of family-like trust) that we discipline their kids when they get out of line. I would say that about 70% of our kids are under the same rule that I was under when I was a kid: You get a spanking at school then you get one when you get home. It is a difference in mindset and possibly a difference in community make up.
I think it goes a long way. But also, its effects on personal makeup of an adult. Have you ever been party to one of those conversations? The ones where adults sit around talking about the youth of today, and how the problem is parents don't "discipline" their children. And then, they all attempt to one-up each other about how badly they were beaten when they were children? I have, to so many. One of them in my office, was just terrible. This woman starts saying "oh forget it, my mother? she would never have put up with that, she used to hit me with a wire hanger". But she knew it was because she loved her. This woman was a sad case to begin with, and that almost made me cry.

No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.

This is especially a big problem in the black community. Its the legacy of slavery.

I honestly don't know about that. But I think it's a huge problem in the Christian community overall, and I think it's based in the spare the rod, spoil the child thing. I have yet to see anybody expouse beatings the way a true bible-thumper will.
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