Truck Fump / h1b
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I think it goes a long way. But also, its effects on personal makeup of an adult. Have you ever been party to one of those conversations? The ones where adults sit around talking about the youth of today, and how the problem is parents don't "discipline" their children. And then, they all attempt to one-up each other about how badly they were beaten when they were children? I have, to so many. One of them in my office, was just terrible. This woman starts saying "oh forget it, my mother? she would never have put up with that, she used to hit me with a wire hanger". But she knew it was because she loved her. This woman was a sad case to begin with, and that almost made me cry.
No wonder her life had turned out so badly. She believed that being whipped with a wire hanger was an expression of love.
But there are violently enforced limits to behavior in the world, and if you go far enough, you will find them. Isn't it better that they learn this early on.
granted, I don't espouse abuse for most situations, but if you do NOT smack your toddler for running into the street, you are a bad parent.