Ron Paul is about half genius.


Well-known member
I agree with his stance on the war, he is brave and unwilling to play the political game regarding "family values" and such. . .

But, he wants to do away with the IRS and the FBI...

I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

How would the fed government enforce the rule of law without the FBI?
I agree with his stance on the war, he is brave and unwilling to play the political game regarding "family values" and such. . .

But, he wants to do away with the IRS and the FBI...

I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

How would the fed government enforce the rule of law without the FBI?

The States would do it, which always makes everybody freer in some nebulous way? And the free market would decide how money is collected, also, making everybody freer somehow?

Something like that.
I agree with his stance on the war, he is brave and unwilling to play the political game regarding "family values" and such. . .

But, he wants to do away with the IRS and the FBI...

I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

How would the fed government enforce the rule of law without the FBI?

I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

Probably with some sort of flat, national sales tax. Which would have to be around 30 or 35% to even come close to paying for our budget and servicing the national debt. Screw that.
The States would do it, which always makes everybody freer in some nebulous way? And the free market would decide how money is collected, also, making everybody freer somehow?

Something like that.

Were law enforcement left up to the States, public schools would never have been intigrated in the South. Remember they had to call in the National Guard!
Well in a ron paul world states could decide pretty much everything. You would eventually have black states, white states, moremoan states, .
Green states, waste dump states, etc
Getting rid of the IRS would not be a real difficult task. I suggest you read Steve Forbes "Flat Tax Revolution" or Friedmans "Capitalism and Freedom" for a detailed explanation. I'd get rid of the IRS in a heartbeat, It's complicated and WAY too fuckin expansive to operate. Read above books to see how simple the tax code SHOULD be. I'd keep the FBI however.
Getting rid of the IRS would not be a real difficult task. I suggest you read Steve Forbes "Flat Tax Revolution" or Friedmans "Capitalism and Freedom" for a detailed explanation. I'd get rid of the IRS in a heartbeat, It's complicated and WAY too fuckin expansive to operate. Read above books to see how simple the tax code SHOULD be. I'd keep the FBI however.

As soon as I finish Friedman's "Six More Months: A detailed Explanation of Why We Are Going To Win in Iraq", I'll pick up his Capitalism and Freedom.

Phew, a lot of reading to do.
Getting rid of the IRS would not be a real difficult task. I suggest you read Steve Forbes "Flat Tax Revolution" or Friedmans "Capitalism and Freedom" for a detailed explanation. I'd get rid of the IRS in a heartbeat, It's complicated and WAY too fuckin expansive to operate. Read above books to see how simple the tax code SHOULD be. I'd keep the FBI however.

Friedman is a bit of a dufus!
Jarod, usc and darla don't have a half a clue between them and their building strawmen here.

Here is a quote from Paul...

Even today, individual income taxes account for only approximately one-third of federal revenue. Eliminating one-third of the proposed 2007 budget would still leave federal spending at roughly $1.8 trillion – a sum greater than the budget just 6 years ago in 2000! Does anyone seriously believe we could not find ways to cut spending back to 2000 levels?
Jarod, usc and darla don't have a half a clue between them and their building strawmen here.

Here is a quote from Paul...

Even today, individual income taxes account for only approximately one-third of federal revenue. Eliminating one-third of the proposed 2007 budget would still leave federal spending at roughly $1.8 trillion – a sum greater than the budget just 6 years ago in 2000! Does anyone seriously believe we could not find ways to cut spending back to 2000 levels?

and how much debt have we incurred since 2000 ?
We would have to go back to prior to 2000 levels to break even. We do pay interest on this debt.
You are grasping at straws. As Paul mentioned eliminating one third of the budget would leave a sum GREATER than the budget of 2000.

The IRS is not keeping our deficits down. They enable them.
I agree with his stance on the war, he is brave and unwilling to play the political game regarding "family values" and such. . .

But, he wants to do away with the IRS and the FBI...

I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

How would the fed government enforce the rule of law without the FBI?

Well, only 1/3rd of revenue is derived from the IRS. But he obviously wants to cut more than 1/3rd of government.
I have not heard him explain how the Government would collect money if they did away with the IRS.

Probably with some sort of flat, national sales tax. Which would have to be around 30 or 35% to even come close to paying for our budget and servicing the national debt. Screw that.

No, he doesn't want to replace it with anything. Have you heard all he wants to cut? You'd be able to run it without the IRS. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously propose a flat consumption for a long time. Some have proposed progressive consumption taxes (like Gravel), but those pretty much imitate the current system pretty well anyway.

But, I think, he also wants just to get rid of social security (and the taxes associated with it). Which is another 1/3rd. In the end, you're left with a federal government about half the size of what it is today.
I don't really like the IRS. I'd really just prefer a simple progressive consumption or income tax with no loopholes or deductions.

If you get rid of the IRS you are going to put a lot of middle age white male accountants out of business. Then we would watch their sorry *sses try to unionize and start protesting in the streets.