Ron Paul is about half genius.

I prefer Ron Paul because he is the only candidate speaking against undeclared war, not just because he hates the war, but because he believes that wars should be declared. The only one.

Nobody appears to notice that all "wars" fought under the "War Powers Act" have gotten progressively more messed up each time, nobody wants to pay any attention to the fact that wars run by the Congress don't work.

Crashk says... Then Al Qaida would march right in and take over the country. All the men would have to grow beards and the women wear those scarfs.

His position on declaration of wars comes from that same commitment to priniciple that everyone disparages as some relic of the ancient past. They'd rather vote for someone that makes it up as he goes, bound by nothing.
If libertarians had their way we would be LASA - Loosley Associated States of America.
We would devolve in to ethnic, poor, rich, redneck, etc states.
As diverse as totally different countries.
Much like Europe has become.
Only we would work backwards to get there.
If libertarians had their way we would be LASA - Loosley Associated States of America.
We would devolve in to ethnic, poor, rich, redneck, etc states.
As diverse as totally different countries.
Much like Europe has become.
Only we would work backwards to get there.

Where are any of those powers granted in the constitution?

As a man of principle he will not deny his ideals. Most politicians cover up their ideals and lie about what they would do if they could.

But, Paul has also talked about the need for transition and the fact that he would not be able to accomplish any of those without congress.

This is 200 years after the Constitution was written and today we live in a modern society. The Constitution is not the only authority in America. Laws and legislation have been written to address the needs of a modern society with socio-ethical responsibilities.

What do you tell seniors when you pull the rug from under them? .. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps?
I prefer Ron Paul because he is the only candidate speaking against undeclared war, not just because he hates the war, but because he believes that wars should be declared. The only one.

Nobody appears to notice that all "wars" fought under the "War Powers Act" have gotten progressively more messed up each time, nobody wants to pay any attention to the fact that wars run by the Congress don't work.

Perhaps you haven't noticed that the war in Afghanistan, a war that Paul voted for, isn't going that well either.
If libertarians had their way we would be LASA - Loosley Associated States of America.
We would devolve in to ethnic, poor, rich, redneck, etc states.
As diverse as totally different countries.
Much like Europe has become.
Only we would work backwards to get there.

Europe has become the eu, and truly diverse states would be great. Unity is not a virtue if it must be attained through bloodshed, or if it means embracing reprehensible values, like slave labor.

Libertarians are supposed to be completely open borders, according to libertarian orthodoxy. Im not sure you have their position on the issue, or trends of history correct in this post, sir.
Umm Ahz what we do today effects tomorrow or next year or the next 100 years...This country has long had a problem realizing that though.
What Christians did hundreds of years ago is still effecting today.
Abraham has probably the most disfunctional family in history.
Perhaps you haven't noticed that the war in Afghanistan, a war that Paul voted for, isn't going that well either.
A shame that. However, name one other candidate on the national stage that is arguing to only pursue declared wars. I know you won't be able to, because they don't exist.

You can ignore how each tempest we begin using the failure that is the "War Powers Act" rather than requiring a Declaration has been more full of fail than the last, it is a progressive march deeper into the Great State of Failure. We should elect a Senator from there. We have one from the Great State of Denial, named Senator Tapper....

Maybe Kerry, who somehow took Bush's aggressive stance toward Iraq in the 2000 Election cycle to mean that he really wouldn't attack Iraq, he just meant to use the army for negotiations....
Umm Ahz what we do today effects tomorrow or next year or the next 100 years...This country has long had a problem realizing that though.
What Christians did hundreds of years ago is still effecting today.
Abraham has probably the most disfunctional family in history.

Yeah, so, and, that doesn't mean you pretend something isn't a threat when it is. Like I said, the reasons they want to convert everyone to islam by force don't change the FACT THAT THEY DO.