Ron Paul is about half genius.

If you get rid of the IRS you are going to put a lot of middle age white male accountants out of business. Then we would watch their sorry *sses try to unionize and start protesting in the streets.

Too Bad, You and I are paying their salaries.
The tax prep business is a parasitic business.
And the IRS are the ones who set tax law and budgets and supplemental spending bills ?

Why do you make such stupid comments? No. Who is implying that? Do you know what enable means? The government floats debt and backs it, largely, by its unlimited ability to tax. Without that, the debts are not so attractive to lenders.
I did up till last year. got a bit complicated. But they are simple for the vast majority of people.
I changed because I needed expert guidance. I am alergic to prison.
IRS is not the problem...........

I don't really like the IRS. I'd really just prefer a simple progressive consumption or income tax with no loopholes or deductions.

It is the enabelers who are the problem...Major Corp's who do not pay their fair share...Personally I would love to see a flat tax of 10% on deductions or loop holes...fair is fair!
So, you're argument is, it's a good thing if we're seen as financially unstable and no one trusts us enough to even lend?

When the stability is provided by an unlimited ability to steal from the American taxpayer, yes. And we will still be able to borrow. We did it before. We just won't be able to do it as if there is no tomorrow.
As soon as I finish Friedman's "Six More Months: A detailed Explanation of Why We Are Going To Win in Iraq", I'll pick up his Capitalism and Freedom.

Phew, a lot of reading to do.

I know, I know, I have ordered two new books already this week and have two on my shelf waiting for my attention.
Were law enforcement left up to the States, public schools would never have been intigrated in the South. Remember they had to call in the National Guard!

And nobody is more pissed off at the south for losing us our state's rights than me. But they are important, and since the south joined civilization in the 80's and subsequently developed the nation's fastest growing economy, now might be a good time to return to our founding principle of federalism and 10th Amendment rights.
Paul also wants to do away with Departments of Labor, Education, Energy, and Hud, FEMA, EPA, FDA, CDC, OSHA, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and basically any and all social safety nets and programs for the poor, elderly, and minorities.

He would have made a great president in the 18th century.
I think you mean 19th. We only had 2 18th C. presidents, and the attitude about the role of govt. didn't begin to change until the Civil War, but particularly not until the candidacy of William J. Bryan, who was the first of the progressives to run for president.
With ron paul as prez. we would have starving people in the streets, bodies in the gutters, roving gangs of undereducated people just trying to survive. the infrastructure of this country would crumble and the rich would rule forever. welcome to feudalistic America.
With ron paul as prez. we would have starving people in the streets, bodies in the gutters, roving gangs of undereducated people just trying to survive. the infrastructure of this country would crumble and the rich would rule forever. welcome to feudalistic America.

Of course, Crash.
It is the enabelers who are the problem...Major Corp's who do not pay their fair share...Personally I would love to see a flat tax of 10% on deductions or loop holes...fair is fair!

Yeah, and where's the rest of the money gonna come from?

Out your ass? No way that would fund any sort of modern government.
I think you mean 19th. We only had 2 18th C. presidents, and the attitude about the role of govt. didn't begin to change until the Civil War, but particularly not until the candidacy of William J. Bryan, who was the first of the progressives to run for president.

He was a populist, there's really a difference.

The populists were a bunch of conservative rednecks who wanted to make the economy crash so that everyone could find the joy in being dirt poor farmers, ignorant like them. Everything in the world, after all, can be solved by bimetalism, prohibition, and murdering sexual deviants.

The progressives weren't terriffic on civil rights or liberties (they were actually succesful in making prohibition law, amongst other things, and completely ignored black rights), but they were at least lucid.
With ron paul as prez. we would have starving people in the streets, bodies in the gutters, roving gangs of undereducated people just trying to survive. the infrastructure of this country would crumble and the rich would rule forever. welcome to feudalistic America.

Damn that is funny. Hey uscitizen, you still think the right is the only group to use fear?
Paul also wants to do away with Departments of Labor, Education, Energy, and Hud, FEMA, EPA, FDA, CDC, OSHA, Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and basically any and all social safety nets and programs for the poor, elderly, and minorities.

He would have made a great president in the 18th century.

Where are any of those powers granted in the constitution?

As a man of principle he will not deny his ideals. Most politicians cover up their ideals and lie about what they would do if they could.

But, Paul has also talked about the need for transition and the fact that he would not be able to accomplish any of those without congress.
With ron paul as prez. we would have starving people in the streets, bodies in the gutters, roving gangs of undereducated people just trying to survive. the infrastructure of this country would crumble and the rich would rule forever. welcome to feudalistic America.

I prefer Ron Paul because he is the only candidate speaking against undeclared war, not just because he hates the war, but because he believes that wars should be declared. The only one.

Nobody appears to notice that all "wars" fought under the "War Powers Act" have gotten progressively more messed up each time, nobody wants to pay any attention to the fact that wars run by the Congress don't work.
I prefer Ron Paul because he is the only candidate speaking against undeclared war, not just because he hates the war, but because he believes that wars should be declared. The only one.

Nobody appears to notice that all "wars" fought under the "War Powers Act" have gotten progressively more messed up each time, nobody wants to pay any attention to the fact that wars run by the Congress don't work.

This war is run by congress? lol