You know, I actually have to work. I have written on this issue in depth, and again, I am very knowledgeable about it. There is no such thing as womensplain SF, and that you think there is, and that you do not understand mansplainin, really shows that just because you are good on sex assault, doesn't mean that you are not a clueless sexist. Which you have really revealed yourself to be here, much to my disappointment. But perhaps that's all to the better as well. You and damo hope to pretend win this by arguing me to sheer exhaustion. With pure stupidity.
1) Are you forced to work for anyone that provides insurance that doesn't cover birth control? Yes, many women may be. You may have heard about the recession? That there is only one job for every five people out of work? Further, this law if passed, would have allowed companies to call women in who had worked there for years, and strip them of their birth control coverage. Not only humiliating for the woman, and rife with potential abuse, but places an undue burden upon them to find new employment. This is the same exact argument Libertarians used to fight against sexual harassment laws - if you don't like it work somewhere else! Uh, NO. We dont' like it and so we will legislate against it and thus put the burden upon the actual problem; the harasser. Same idea here. We don't like it, so we passed a law mandating that insurance companies cover birth control just as they are often mandated to cover other basic, preventative health care. Women's health is not up for a vote or a religious veto. Sorry. It passed. Over 60% of Americans support it. Adjust or be cast out.
2) Are you forced to stop using birth control? No one in my socioeconomic class would be, nor would the women you are dating be forced to stop using birth control. As I've written on this very thread, it is the height of privilege and entitlement for you to come on here and make this claim that no woman would be prevented. This is false. In fact, as we know, when birth control is not fully covered by insurance companies, many women go without some months. Many of those, end up pregnant. This is why full coverage actually saves insurance companies money. Now why do these women go without? Answer: Because they are lazy whores too busy fucking to get down to the pharmacy!
BUZZzz, wrong answer Rush! It's because for many women, the cost of birth control is prohibitive. Some months they may have to choose between heat or food and birth control. So they take a chance.
3) Are you prohibited from buying birth control on your own? This is the same question as you asked above.