Ron Paul says Rush's apology was about $

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Boy, you know you have beaten the colorado boys on points when they start wanking like they just made wanking an Olympic event.

Where? because she said you were going wankers? Did you use the words, "I usually regard a victory" or was that your alter ego, again?

So I have to bold it for you? You told me it annoyed you when people started claiming victory...

I used them, but can you provide the rest of the sentence? Did it say something in whole or in part like when you start saying things like "You're..."?

Noting that "You're" would be speaking to me (considering it was me making the post). She never said that to me. It isn't my claim.
So Darla, clear this up, when you made your posts, you were just bitter?

Maybe you should be fit for one of those special helmets???

Or are you going to read what I am actually writing???

I was stating that you didn't like others telling you what you said or thought... yet you continue to tell us 'menz' that we are just 'hatin' on women' because we disagree with your position.

It is fucking ignorant of you to continue projecting your animosity onto others. The church has a right to run its organization and its businesses in a manner that adheres to their moral code. They HAVE THAT RIGHT. That right does not violate any right of yours. Period. Because no one is forcing you to work for them, no one is forcing you to abstain from using birth control, no one is preventing you from buying birth control on your own. The Dems are just trying to stir up hate and are obviously doing a good job with their whole 'Reps are attacking women' line of bullshit. Obviously some very weak minded liberals are falling for that... which isn't really all that shocking.
Really? So would the Catholic Church have the right to oppose insurance coverage for HIV treatment for gay employees because they oppose homosexuality by your logic?
You are angrily building a straw man.

First I don't believe you would choose to go to a school run by the church, nor work for any entity that was run by them as you are fully aware of their beliefs and thus limitations you seem to find objectionable; nor do I believe they do or should have the power to stop you from obtaining birth control, only that they cannot be forced to provide it for others as it is against a basic precept of their religion and easily obtainable by other means.

No church should have the "veto power" over your contraception, I would fight that as vehemently as I would fight for their right to follow their own beliefs, however silly I may find them.
So they shouldn't be required to pay for health insurance for gay employees?
Really? So would the Catholic Church have the right to oppose insurance coverage for HIV treatment for gay employees because they oppose homosexuality by your logic?

Or prenatal care for unwed pregnant women. Or post-natal care. Or anything to do with a pregnancy for unmarried women. Thankfully, businesses run by the church DO NOT HAVE THAT RIGHT.
So I have to bold it for you? You told me it annoyed you when people started claiming victory...

I used them, but can you provide the rest of the sentence? Did it say something in whole or in part like when you start saying things like "You're..."?

Noting that "You're" would be speaking to me (considering it was me making the post). She never said that to me. It isn't my claim.

Thanks for supplying the quote!

Darla, let me claim victory for you, don't do it for yourself.

What she means is that SF and yourself think you are making points when you repeat yourselves over and over when your talking points have been debunked. You both think you can chase peope off the subject and then claim to have won the debate in your own minds and that is utter nonsense. You also think your opinions count as fact and that is wankering.
Thanks for supplying the quote!

Darla, let me claim victory for you, don't do it for yourself.

What she means is that SF and yourself think you are making points when you repeat yourselves over and over when your talking points have been debunked. You both think you can chase peope off the subject and then claim to have won the debate in your own minds and that is utter nonsense. You also think your opinions count as fact and that is wankering.

Mea culpa Rana... :)
They do not argue that being gay itself is a sin. Your argument has no merit.

I'm not up to date on what the pedophiles in the church argue is "sinful". I know that buggering boys is okay!

So what is the deal here, they say that the homosexual behavior itself is sinful? Then they would be permitted to deny HIV claims for gay employees. They're not allowed to do that. Face it, they have to follow the law in their businesses just like I do. And no one objects until it's about women have sexy times without permission! Oh well, too bad!

Thank you President Obama! President Obama has basically said that sex is natural and women are allowed its pleasures without paying for it with their health and that there is no need to feel shame. Certain "Libertarian" men (Get guvnmunt off our back and into women's vaginas where it belongs!!), and right wing religious whacko women, do want to shame women.
Thanks for supplying the quote!

Darla, let me claim victory for you, don't do it for yourself.

What she means is that SF and yourself think you are making points when you repeat yourselves over and over when your talking points have been debunked. You both think you can chase peope off the subject and then claim to have won the debate in your own minds and that is utter nonsense. You also think your opinions count as fact and that is wankering.

LMAO... so when she repeats the nonsensical mantra of the left over and over again, we are not supposed to actually relay the facts to her? Notice how she refuses to answer the simple questions I asked of her? Yeah, the only one that is lacking merit in their argument is Darla.

Again, who is forcing you to work for organizations that don't include birth control in their insurance?

Who is prohibiting you from buying birth control on your own?

Who is forcing you to not use birth control?

Yeah... NO ONE.
Uh, prostitutes are not health care services. Maybe you should try to come up with an standard preventive health care services that you think Darla may not approve of.

Stress is relieved via sex. Reduced stress is better for one's health.

No, I get what you were aiming at. It's just the stupidest fucking thing I've read in a long while. And I read most of bravo's stuff.

Yet you apparently haven't read your own.
I'm not up to date on what the pedophiles in the church argue is "sinful". I know that buggering boys is okay!
I think they've changed their policy a bit on that.

So what is the deal here, they say that the homosexual behavior itself is sinful? Then they would be permitted to deny HIV claims for gay employees. They're not allowed to do that. Face it, they have to follow the law in their businesses just like I do. And no one objects until it's about women have sexy times without permission! Oh well, too bad!
Behavior is different than being. Their existence is not a "sin" only if they "fall victim to the temptation" of following their inclination... What preventative medication are they rejecting there?

Anyway, I speak directly to the reality of what they say. The person is not the sin.

Thank you President Obama! President Obama has basically said that sex is natural and women are allowed its pleasures without paying for it with their health and that there is no need to feel shame. Certain "Libertarian" men (Get guvnmunt off our back and into women's vaginas where it belongs!!), and right wing religious whacko women, do want to shame women.

LMAO... so when she repeats the nonsensical mantra of the left over and over again, we are not supposed to actually relay the facts to her? Notice how she refuses to answer the simple questions I asked of her? Yeah, the only one that is lacking merit in their argument is Darla.

Again, who is forcing you to work for organizations that don't include birth control in their insurance?

Who is prohibiting you from buying birth control on your own?

Who is forcing you to not use birth control?

Yeah... NO ONE.

Who is forcing you to repeatedly make an ass of yourself?
It seriously shows how arrogant you are that I have spent days writing about this issue, and have addressed every aspect of it, in depth, in this thread and others, but you waltz in here and start throwing up hostile and bs questions without even bothering to read my posts. Because you don't care what I say.

Well if that is the case, then surely you can point to the posts where you answered those questions. You simply attack me, proclaim I am arrogant for asking these questions... yet it is YOU who could care less what I have to say because you are convinced this is 'menz attacking women'.

You don't even care that churches were exempt from the start.

I care that the religious organizations WERE NOT all exempt from the start. You keep making up my position, yet YOU are not paying attention to what it is that I am ACTUALLY saying. You just make stupid proclamations like the above and pretend they are true.

You just think you're going to come in here, the big daddy, and yell and scream and change something.

LMAO... you yell and scream and consistently provide these ad hom attacks and then state something as profoundly ignorant as the above?

You have already proved you have no idea what you are talking about with your previous posts. You didn't even understand the mandate.

I actually do. You want to lash out at the church, which is why you keep throwing out the pedophile references as if they have ANY bearing on this. They do not.

Take your mansplainin and shove it up your ass.

LMAO... and you say I am the one with the anger issues. Funny how you continue to attack me for being a man.

My posts on this address everything. I am extremely knowledgeable on this subject but you've dismissed that, including by LAUGHING IN MY FACE, when I correctly stated that churches were always exempt. That's sexist. Your position on this is as well. Your behavior is absurdly sexist.

Again, another attack on me. Stating that the religious organizations, including the hospitals etc... should have the right to not include birth control is not sexist darla. It doesn't attack anyone based on gender, no matter how often you stomp your feet or shout or yell that it does. It is a RELIGIOUS organization exercising its rights. Something that YOU will not tolerate.

Your constant attempts to proclaim me as sexist shows just how pathetically weak your argument is.