Truck Fump / h1b
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Jacob Schiff a Jewish banker linked with Rothschild's heavily bankrolled the Bolsheviks.
The Globalists want us to be more like Communists, because it makes it easier to control us, as long as it's their Left Wing version of Communism, it's Kosher.
The facts are the Globalists are Kosher, Rothschild's, Soros, the Warburg's, Jacob Schiff, Goldman Sachs, Hollywood, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, the ADL, the ACLU, Google, Youtube & Facebook are all the heart of the Globalists, and are all Kosher.
you're leaving out all the old italian banking families.
thee are some big jewish families in it. they're a front/scapegoat. you're illustrating it now by leaving out the older non jew families.
im onto you, operative.