Rough morning

It's a 2014 so it's still pretty good for the most part although it has to work really hard and I drive a lot of miles on it. I got it used after my old truck got wrecked last year but it's in good shape.

As Tom said in post 10 you should get one of the inexpensive ebay scanners with bluetooth that works with a free app on your cell phone. If you don't want to wait then nearly all of the auto parts stores will scan your OBD codes for free.

OBD stands for On Board Diagnostics. Look it up on Wikipedia for a full explanation. Your truck periodically tests systems in the engine, brakes, emission controls, etc. and if something isn't 100% will write an error code in its computer. Many of these require very simple fixes.

For example my 2012 Jeep "threw a code" a year after I bought it new. The code was for a slight leak in the fuel vapor recovery system. I removed the gas cap, cleaned the gasket and sealing surface, then reinstalled the cap. The code could not be erased at that time because as far as the computer knew, the cap was still leaking vapor. But after driving the car again it retested itself then "cleared the code".

Some of the more expensive cars go overboard with these self-tests, well past the GovCo mandated requirements. For example certain Mercedes models test the electrical resistance in wiring circuits, including the trunk light. This is a big money maker for Mercedes dealerships.
i woke up today and felt the same meaninglessness as I do everyday. Nothing is of any value, the universe is indifferent, and nothing we do matters. However I am going to go eat some chilli pretty soon which is pretty tops.

sociopathic thinking
Rough morning so far. Ive been up for a little more than three hours and so far the engine light came on in my truck so I have to schedule a time to bring it in which could change my plans for the weekend since I was going to drive home tomorrow. Then as I walked around a horse inside its stable and I cut the side of my stomach on a nail head that was sticking out just enough to cut at least a three inch gash in my side and also ruin my shirt. And when I got back to my dorm the fire alarms were going off and so I couldn't enter the building to change clothes and clean up my cut. The one positive thing so far is that my mid term grades came out this morning and all was good on that front.

If it will make you feel better I had a much worse day than you exactly a year ago today. That morning my niece, who is who was about your age, died unexpectedly from heart failure. To add insult to injury today is also my birthday and anniversary. Needless to say my wife and I don't feel much like celebrating.
I hope your day gets better!

Some days you are better off going back to bed.

BTW, I generally ignore those lights on my vehicles because I find they are usually a scam to get you into the service portion of the dealership. Unless something is falling off, or smoking badly I don't take my car in, and never to the dealer.
He's nuts Norah! That could cost you a lot of money. Take your vehicle to the nearest auto parts store and have them use their meter to check the computer code. It might be something minor and it might be something small that needs taken care off that could lead to serious repairs. My check engine light came on last summer and I only needed to change the thermostat but it could have been the water pump.
Yeah one of my friends told me the same thing. I put some medicine on it and a bandage so I'm satisfied for now. I'm pretty afraid of shots.
you should be a lot more afraid of tetnis. If you haven't had a tetnis shot in two years you need one. Anyone working around horses who doesn't is playing with fire.
i woke up today and felt the same meaninglessness as I do everyday. Nothing is of any value, the universe is indifferent, and nothing we do matters. However I am going to go eat some chilli pretty soon which is pretty tops.
Makes you glad you're not Grind, doesn't it Norah.
If it will make you feel better I had a much worse day than you exactly a year ago today. That morning my niece, who is who was about your age, died unexpectedly from heart failure. To add insult to injury today is also my birthday and anniversary. Needless to say my wife and I don't feel much like celebrating.

That doesn't make me feel better at all actually, it makes me sad and makes me want to help you in some way.
my grandmother was a nurse and would always tell me stories about how she had to amputate limbs from people that got tetanus and she said if I played outside without shoes on that I shouldn't be surprised if I might have to get my legs cut off. I was 6-7 when she told me this and anytime I got a splinter I thought that meant I was going to have a limb amputated. Thanks nana.

First I am sorry that you had a bad day. It happens, but days like that always makes us appreciative of what is truly precious in life

Second, please for the love of all that is holy do not take advice from idiots like Jarod and Mott.

First of all the idiot (so called biologist) Mott can't even spell tetanus.

Please allow me to dispel the outright falsehoods that Mott is passing off as knowledge. And you don't have to take my word for it, verify for yourself

1) you are at no more increased risk for acquiring tetanus by being around horses than the general population being around any soil.
2) horses are at high risk for tetanus and therefore get immunized yearly which is probably what led Mott to his erroneous conclusion.
3) tetanus is caused by Clostridium tetani which is an anaerobic bug that likes soil. There is a myth that the rust in rusty nails cause tetanus. Again, not true. The rust just provides the environment for the bacteria of live and of course being a sharp object provides the means for inoculating the body with the bacterium
4) if your wound is superficial/minor and you have had three doses of tetanus toxoid and it's been less than five years since your last then you do not need another shot. Since you said your last tetanus was two years ago, you should be fine. Just keep the wound clean and dry. If you are concerned however, don't take the advice of some schmuck like me on the internet. Go to a minute clinic/urgent care.
5) before I got to the end, I was going to tell you to check your gas cap. It is one of the most common triggers of a check engine light. Sounds like that was the ticket.

The only thing more frustrating than the type of idiocy displayed by Mott in this thread is his attempt to push that idiocy on others.

Have a blessed day