Rough morning

Yeh because I have an honours degree in Pure Chemistry and you have what again? Oh yeh, a masters in bullshitology.

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My father, who holds a Doctorate, always told me there are three kinds of degrees.

#1. If you study a lot about a little you get awarded a BS degree which stands for "Bull Shit".
#2. If you study even longer and learn more and more about less and less you are awarded a Masters degree which stands for "Masters of Bull Shit".
#3. If you study even longer and learn more and more about less and less till you know everything about nothing you're awarded a PhD which stands for "Piled Higher and Deeper".
it will be dem controlled soon

Texas is still very much red despite how close the presidential vote may be. Even if Clinton wins Texas, which I don't believe she will, the down ticket across the majority of the state will still be firmly republican. There are areas of Texas that are more blue than red obviously but the presidential election is not really an indication of how Texans truly feel about politics I believe.
Texas is still very much red despite how close the presidential vote may be. Even if Clinton wins Texas, which I don't believe she will, the down ticket across the majority of the state will still be firmly republican. There are areas of Texas that are more blue than red obviously but the presidential election is not really an indication of how Texans truly feel about politics I believe.
