S.F. might change 44 school names, renouncing Washington, Lincoln and even Dianne Fei

Yeah. Washington and Jefferson. What did they ever do?

More than Andrew Jackson, so, I'd prefer to keep them intact. But, Democrats claim Jefferson as a proto-founder, so, fuck him. I think it's funny that Dems are cancelling both Jackson and Jefferson day dinners. We get to keep Lincoln Day dinners, though.
More than Andrew Jackson, so, I'd prefer to keep them intact. But, Democrats claim Jefferson as a proto-founder, so, fuck him. I think it's funny that Dems are cancelling both Jackson and Jefferson day dinners. We get to keep Lincoln Day dinners, though.

Talk about coddling a group. At some point a Line must be drawn.
I think the first step would be to remove his face from our flag. If that happens, then, the possibility certainly increases.

A 'white' face. It must be unbearable to live there if you're anything but Caucasian. :(
Personally, I would look at the reasons for name changes. If it's for political correctness, that's lame. If it's for a better name, that's different. I'm guessing you wouldn't be as concerned if they changed the name of a high school to "Donald J. Trump High School".

They list the reasons in the article in the OP for why they are doing this. I don't think any school in SF, or anywhere really, is going to be named after Trump and not sure why you think I would support that but that's a diversion.
They list the reasons in the article in the OP for why they are doing this. I don't think any school in SF, or anywhere really, is going to be named after Trump and not sure why you think I would support that but that's a diversion.

Does anybody really care what the name of a School is?

Do you give a shit?
All true, but some obviously cost more than others. Uniforms, logos and such can wait until replacement is necessary; phase it all in. No research needed, let the community decide with a name, logo and motto contest. I fail to see why a local or state matter is so concerning for other states.

Recently tried that here in a neighboring county. That actually just ran up the costs. Immaterial when the expense is incurred, its still incurred and for no good reason.
Everyone complains schools need money but this money does nothing to improve education.
You're welcome.
Same issues when they change street names only it applies to everyone living or doing business. Had that issue locally when they decided to add a person's name to a significant street here.

A street was renamed Muhammad Ali Blvd here. So yeah.
They list the reasons in the article in the OP for why they are doing this. I don't think any school in SF, or anywhere really, is going to be named after Trump and not sure why you think I would support that but that's a diversion.

It's an example of the opposite of the PC mob. Why are you against the change? What's so important to you to keep all the old names in San Francisco the same?

Frankly, why the fuck are you living their? I left California as quickly as the Marine Corps would let me.
Recently tried that here in a neighboring county. That actually just ran up the costs. Immaterial when the expense is incurred, its still incurred and for no good reason.
Everyone complains schools need money but this money does nothing to improve education.

Just because the Canucks fucked it up doesn't mean smarter people can't implement it at cost. Uniforms wear out as do signs. Letterhead supplies have to be reordered. The cost in a reorder would be minimal or the same depending upon what is being reordered.

Agreed focus should be upon education. Were the taxpayers/parents involved in this decision? They're the ones paying for it.
It's an example of the opposite of the PC mob. Why are you against the change? What's so important to you to keep all the old names in San Francisco the same?

Frankly, why the fuck are you living their? I left California as quickly as the Marine Corps would let me.

I live here because I grew up here, my family is here, my business relationships are here and it's a beautiful and amazing place.

Why am I against the change? Because it's a cop out to real solutions and because what happens here eventually happens around the country. And in theory my daughter could go to a couple of these schools but this is a perfect example of why I would never send her to SF public schools. Instead of focusing on opening up the schools for kids to learn they focus on this.

Ultimately if they do change the names I won't lose any sleep over it. None of these are my alma mater's. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea or the subject shouldn't be discussed because it's getting a lot of local press.
I live here because I grew up here, my family is here, my business relationships are here and it's a beautiful and amazing place.

Why am I against the change? Because it's a cop out to real solutions and because what happens here eventually happens around the country. And in theory my daughter could go to a couple of these schools but this is a perfect example of why I would never send her to SF public schools. Instead of focusing on opening up the schools for kids to learn they focus on this.

Ultimately if they do change the names I won't lose any sleep over it. None of these are my alma mater's. But that doesn't mean it's a good idea or the subject shouldn't be discussed because it's getting a lot of local press.
Not even a ripple in Texas. Must be a local or state thing. :D

You're pointing out the downside of a democracy: too many people moving in a direction different than your own. My property taxes keep going up because more and more people are moving into the county requiring more money for schools. I vote against every tax raise but am routinely outvoted by parents. Go figure.
Well, this does have one positive to it. It removes the names of some of America's greatest, most intelligent, and influential persons off buildings full of union hacks, incompetents, and political radicals bent on propagandizing and corrupting our youth to their evil causes...