It is pretty white, here.
We've got lots of Negroes down here, ... how many can I put you down for?
It is pretty white, here.
I do Mascots, too....don't you?
I always think of the children first... White? Yes, I am...I wonder if they ever noticed at school ?'Cultural Appropriation'. That's what you have done, and since you are White, you don't care.
Ohio: 'Good Morning' in Japanese, yet you have stolen this and now claim it as your own.
How can you live with yourself? ... think of the children.
A street was renamed Muhammad Ali Blvd here. So yeah.
Just because the Canucks fucked it up doesn't mean smarter people can't implement it at cost. Uniforms wear out as do signs. Letterhead supplies have to be reordered. The cost in a reorder would be minimal or the same depending upon what is being reordered.
Agreed focus should be upon education. Were the taxpayers/parents involved in this decision? They're the ones paying for it.
They were not involved as to whether to do it or not else it woukd not have happened.
You are mistaken on costs. Been there done that.
J.P.P. School for Retarded Trolls.
Dr. Lesion is the principal.
I'm not read up on Canuck politics. Maybe their politics will change when a bunch of pissed off ex-Trump fans move there after November 3rd.
Disagreed on costs. There is a cost, but for the previously mentioned reasons, those can be mitigated. The Marine Corps has been working with Army and Navy leftovers for centuries hence the unofficial motto of "Improvise, adapt, and overcome". It's not just a matter of some asshole in a chair saying "make it work". It's a matter of good leadership and good teamwork maximizing their options. Sorry you do not understand that good leadership of people and good management of assets can accomplish change in an efficient manner.
The main complaint about this topic is the "cancel culture" bullshit. Any intelligent and honest person should readily agree that rushing into change for silly reasons such as political correctness can be wasteful and/or unnecessary. That's part of the problem of "cancel culture". The main problem is using "might makes right" in erasing or destroying history.
That said, it's up to each state to figure it out.
Leadership is all well and good but i've been through a number of re-brandings in my career and its costly.
Are you talking about private companies who 1) want to make it happen ASAP and 2) can write it off on their taxes? Government doesn't work that way.
We've got lots of Negroes down here, ... how many can I put you down for?
As many as you can manage. Why should they miss out on a chance to roast marshmallows in the public fires of Seattle?
My experience is both public and private. You may write some of it off but that does not mean money was not spent (and quite a lot).
I worked with a Black guy that wanted to move to Seattle. I asked him why? I told him there were "Too many White People there". I told him the Smart Move was to go to Ethiopia". He just looked at me and shook his head.
Again, no one is saying it won't cost. Even so, with your experience, then you know new letterhead and uniforms are ordered periodically. Except for a one-time reset fee, the cost wouldn't be different with a different logo. If someone is in a hurry and wants to make it happen within a few months, the costs could be very high.
The cost IS different with different logo and that new logo costs money too.
Reset fees. Aside from a one-time fee, what other costs are you claiming would be over the old logo?
Changes to each form, letterhead, envelope, business cards, etc. Quick turnaround. Govt protocols always run this cost up.
I'm not read up on Canuck politics. Maybe their politics will change when a bunch of pissed off ex-Trump fans move there after November 3rd.
Disagreed on costs. There is a cost, but for the previously mentioned reasons, those can be mitigated. The Marine Corps has been working with Army and Navy leftovers for centuries hence the unofficial motto of "Improvise, adapt, and overcome". It's not just a matter of some asshole in a chair saying "make it work". It's a matter of good leadership and good teamwork maximizing their options. Sorry you do not understand that good leadership of people and good management of assets can accomplish change in an efficient manner.
The main complaint about this topic is the "cancel culture" bullshit. Any intelligent and honest person should readily agree that rushing into change for silly reasons such as political correctness can be wasteful and/or unnecessary. That's part of the problem of "cancel culture". The main problem is using "might makes right" in erasing or destroying history.
That said, it's up to each state to figure it out.