Sad time for America... Repugs pull it together!


Well-known member
I dont understand how they do it every election time, but they have done it again!

I have been studying the situation and it looks clear the Repugs will retain control of the House and Senate.

Welcome to more of the same, and staying the course!
You haven't been listening to the MSM. They have the election almost over and the republicans losing.
Do you have some links to support your claim that the mainstream media have the elections "almost over" and the Republicans losing? I haven't heard that. All I have seen are some polls that show the Republicans behind. Since you claim that you use links regularly to support your positions; please give us a link for this claim. And could also explain how an election could ever be "almost over" at this point over 2 weeks before the election?
I am still unsure on the house Alex. but we still have 2 more years of Bush and his war to convince more people to vote democratic.
Nothing has changed. The media just wants to keep everyone tuning in so they have to add a little drama to make everyone think there are changes going on. People will vote as they always do, dems for dems reps for reps. And independents based on their liberal or conservative leanings. All the polls up and down is just bullshit to get viewers.
I dont understand how they do it every election time, but they have done it again!

I have been studying the situation and it looks clear the Repugs will retain control of the House and Senate.

Welcome to more of the same, and staying the course!

I think the Senate is going to stay in their hands. I'm wondering, what has led you to believe they will also hold the house?

Damo if you are actually celebrating the idea of their holding both chambers, any pretense you have towards moderation or libertarianism, are dead.

A moderate, and even a libertarian would know, and in fact, do know by now that we are in desperate need of checks and balances.
Virtually all moderates and libertarians on this board and on FP want to see the government return to two-party gridlock. From Immie, to Klatuu to Rstringfiield, to AdamW.

I find myself at a loss why damo is cheering for a republican victory and affirmation of their failed policies. ;)
I dont understand how they do it every election time, but they have done it again!

I have been studying the situation and it looks clear the Repugs will retain control of the House and Senate.

Welcome to more of the same, and staying the course!

I've never been overconfident that Dems could gain more than 15 house seats.

This isn't like 1994. Gerrymandering by both parties has become an artform. From what I understand, there were like 100 competitive seats in 1994, and today there are like 20-30.
I don't think the dems will get back control till 2008. but they might get the house back. Who knows, it ain't over till the fat lady sings.
I'm pretty sure they'll get Congress, and get very close with the Senate. I was just having a bit of fun.
M'eh... I'm unafraid, if my opinions don't tell people what I believe, I'll never get the point across.
M'eh... I'm unafraid, if my opinions don't tell people what I believe, I'll never get the point across.

I have opinions as well and they are mine. I try to put them in words on these message boards to tell folks how I believe. It's hard. On a side note, I would almost, I might actually cheer if the repubs hold in the house so we won't have to deal with maineman's "speaker Pelosi.":)
If Americans are stupid enough to put leaders in Congress that support this idiotic president they deserve what they get. I do feel sorry for those of us who are not dumb enough to vote that way! Denmark sounds better and better to me every day. Too bad its so cold!
It's probably not as cold as you think. Those places rarely are. They also have this neat stuff called "heat"...
It's probably not as cold as you think. Those places rarely are. They also have this neat stuff called "heat"...

I know about heat, but I like to swim in the ocean in October.... Like I did this weekend, comfortably!