Sad time for America... Repugs pull it together!

Right now the American libretarian party is full of disenfranchised Republicans. they bring their attitudes with them, regardless of what their platform says.
Most that feel disenfranchised from the Rs are not Socially Conservative. Those who are feel just fine and haven't left. This, of course, is if you are right. If you were right there'd be fewer Rs than you think.

I honestly think the LP is filled up with ideologues who are unrealistic. That the R Party holds more people like me than they ever want to admit.
I dont belive the American Libertarian party is socally libertarian. They are just Republicans who dont like what the NeoCons have done to the economie. If they were socially libertarian they would be hands off regarding Drugs, Sex, marriage, Abortion....ect!

The LP is hands off regarding drugs, dex, marriage and, for the most part, abortion. What are you talking about?
The LP people I know are just frustrated Republicans made at the current Republicans and the spending they are doing.
Right now the American libretarian party is full of disenfranchised Republicans. they bring their attitudes with them, regardless of what their platform says.

BS! You have nothing to back that up. I have been in the LP and worked among it's activist. There are nearly as many former Dems as there are Repubs. And the vast majority of the former repubs, like me, are not socially conservative.
I just looked at the web cite, they dont mention abortion, but you are correct on the other stuff.
I will just have to disagree string from what I have experienced. I can understand how you feel that way from working within the party, I have seen the fringes that call themselves libertarians. You have worked with actual libertarians.
I will just have to disagree string from what I have experienced. I can understand how you feel that way from working within the party, I have seen the fringes that call themselves libertarians. You have worked with actual libertarians.

I just looked at the web cite, they dont mention abortion, but you are correct on the other stuff.

Well, actually I am right on all of it. That is why I said "for the most part" on abortion. They removed mention because there is some division on it. Most would agree it should be a state matter. However, being pro life does not indicate social conservative any more than being anti murder does and that is the issue, i.e., when life begins and whether the act kills a human life. Many atheists are pro life.
I don't believe in the post term abortions that Bush is carrying out in Iraq.
A war based on mistakes is simple murder.
The point is that when there is room for reasonable minds to disagree the government should stay out of it!
Right now the American libretarian party is full of disenfranchised Republicans. they bring their attitudes with them, regardless of what their platform says.

Broadly speaking, I have to agree.

Most folks I've talked to who are self-identified Liberatarians are obssessed with economic issues. More accurately, they are economic Libertarians. And that's where there priorities lie. Not in social libertarianism.

Just visit the CATO website homepage. CATO is reputed to be the leading libertarian think tank, and they are obssessed with government spending, taxes, and budget issues.

On I think there were a few anti-choice, and pro-death penalty "libertarians".
I am very socially Libertarian. Even with abortion I believe in creating real choice rather than limiting our choices to death or life.
I am very socially Libertarian. Even with abortion I believe in creating real choice rather than limiting our choices to death or life.

Then why are you not discusted by what the Repugs did to the late term abortion law?