Sad time for America... Repugs pull it together!

Those types of governments work when there is a small population. The larger the population the harder to pay for the programs.
Those types of governments work when there is a small population. The larger the population the harder to pay for the programs.

That seems to be true, but they might let me move there... The government of Denmark is MUCH more to my liking than that of Florida...!
That seems to be true, but they might let me move there... The government of Denmark is MUCH more to my liking than that of Florida...!
At your age you probably need a couple million in assets in order to be allowed to legally move there.
At your age you probably need a couple million in assets in order to be allowed to legally move there.

Ive not investigated it, but I figured so... Depends on what they will count as assets, I could be close if you count my lottery ticket and all...! Wenesday is the drawing!
Even socally libertarian, which is more than I can say for the American Libertarian party.
Even socally libertarian, which is more than I can say for the American Libertarian party.
Wha...? There is nothing Conservative Socially in the LP Platform....

It was just a quote from a movie. Don't get in a bunch over it.
Wha...? There is nothing Conservative Socially in the LP Platform....

It was just a quote from a movie. Don't get in a bunch over it.

I dont belive the American Libertarian party is socally libertarian. They are just Republicans who dont like what the NeoCons have done to the economie. If they were socially libertarian they would be hands off regarding Drugs, Sex, marriage, Abortion....ect!
I dont belive the American Libertarian party is socally libertarian. They are just Republicans who dont like what the NeoCons have done to the economie. If they were socially libertarian they would be hands off regarding Drugs, Sex, marriage, Abortion....ect!
They are... Look at the platform.
Right now the American libretarian party is full of disenfranchised Republicans. they bring their attitudes with them, regardless of what their platform says.