Sarah Huckabee Sanders

This broad is really special.

I think the pachys would have been better off having Bernie Sanders give their response to the SOTU Address.

At least it would be in English, not cracker-ese or whatever the fuck it's called.

Instead, they give us this ridiculous but nonetheless pathetic relic from the orangutan administration.

I can barely believe my eyes. Or ears.

It doesn't say much about the people of Arkansas, who made her their governor either?!!

Her response was great and tolld all the lies Biden is trying to hide. The story about going to Iraq at Christmas was great and showed the heart of YTrump and GOP for our soldiers

Anyone who believes a military member who gives someone their unit patch is the "highest sign of respect" never served in the military.
She did want she was suppose to do, regurgitate all the right Fox talking points and innuendo, not particularly noteworthy, but not Bobby Jindal either

That one was a classic

Ended his dumb assed career with a huge bang from a volcano
She didn't even mention Trump's name during that stupid, corny story.

The woman is a shitkicker hick who doesn't belong on television.

She's a MAGA devolved mutant, and she shouldn't ever be inflicted on actually civilized people.

Trump is not president so he is irrelvant you show you must show your democrat hate for Trump
Talk about an attention whore. The recently elected Repugnant hickabilly governor, made the Republican response all about herself, and went on for more time than Biden's speech, about herself, in her opening, middle. and end- WITH A FEW, "BIDEN IS THE DEVIL" out-of-the-Blue comments in between!

What a missed opportunity, as she jumped on all the Conspiracy Theories of the 12% of Republican idiots that believe all that shit!

She went on for 30 minutes, telling a Braggart's story of how her and some no-name president were part of a surprise USO PHOTO-OP visit to see the Troops in Iraq at Christmas, AND DID NOT EVEN MENTION DONALD TRUMP'S NAME THE WHOLE TIME. Even though she mentioned, Me, MYSELF and I over 20 times!

And what any of that, or any of her other ALL-ABOUT-ME BULLSHIT had to do with Biden's State Of The Union speech is anyone's guess!


She showed what an idiot and liar Biden is
Her response was great and tolld all the lies Biden is trying to hide. The story about going to Iraq at Christmas was great and showed the heart of YTrump and GOP for our soldiers

I wondered if anyone was deep enough in the Trump rathole to accept what she said. Not surprised it was you.
The problem in her response, was it was not even a response, but rather a pre-written speech about herself- ALL ABOUT HERSELF with a few "Biden Is THE DEVIL" snarky and hateful remarks in between.

There was not a word about Biden's speech or his policies in her self-fulfilling prophecy speech!

I viewed it as her "Biden is the devil, and I am the NEW GOD" campaign for 2024 speech!

She left me with the impression, she is just the residual smoking embers left behind in a DONALD TRUMP DUMPSTER FIRE!

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