Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?

woo hoo, that's all ya got...
and you want to stick with that story above, you are lame

What did you think you saw? I was suggesting that contributions to your church or a charity would be a better use of the money.

If you misread what I wrote its not my fault.

Also I believe if you quote me and I edit afterwards the version in your quote stays the way it was originally.

This will show whether I am right or not. So we will see who is dishonest.
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In order to realize that dream he had to work closely with the Pope- a social liberal would never have been able to do that, aside from the fact that they would have no interest in defeating communism. *shrug*


Yeah, thats a true social conservative. Go back to the caricature response. It was better. Using the freeing of Poland as evidence that Reagan was a social conservative is a joke.
What did you think you saw? I was suggesting that contributions to your church or a charity would be a better use of the money.

If you misread what I wrote its not my fault.

Also I believe if you quote me and I edit afterwards the version in your quote stays the way it was originally.

but what the heck...
but what the heck...

Actually I was right. I edited my post after you quoted it and it did not change in your quote.

So if one of us is get the message.
Well you can say whatever you want about a president who served before most of you pinheads were born, it really doesn't matter much now... Reagan can't be elected or even nominated again!

Reagan never IGNORED the religious right. In almost every speech, he made his true convictions very clear, and was not the least bit ashamed of taking a moral (religious) stand on principle. Unlike John McCain, you got the sense that Reagan DID believe what he was saying, and not that he was just saying what people needed to hear.

It seems you have some gross misunderstanding of the 'religious right' ....where you think they are looking for a candidate to stand up there and proselytize and make the rest of us have to live by their standards. I don't know of anyone who wants that in a president, else we would have nominated Billy Graham. It occurs to me, there is a huge gaping area between an evangelist and a godless liberal heathen, and I think those on the 'religious right' are content with a man who speaks with conviction about his spiritual belief, who bases his positions and decisions on his strong personal faith in God.

Reagan did all the right things his handlers told him to do! I was there, I didn't vote for him. I wouldn't vote for him, again!

Reagan didn't talk too much about god until it was beneficial for him to do so.
It was the beginning of the ending, we shall see where his brand of Republicanism has led us!
Reagan did all the right things his handlers told him to do! I was there, I didn't vote for him. I wouldn't vote for him, again!

Reagan didn't talk too much about god until it was beneficial for him to do so.
It was the beginning of the ending, we shall see where his brand of Republicanism has led us!

Actually Froggie I think his wifes astrologers told him to talk up religion. Go figure.

Yeah, thats a true social conservative. Go back to the caricature response. It was better. Using the freeing of Poland as evidence that Reagan was a social conservative is a joke.
Sure, that's why you have no argument against it, and after several pages of posts. :rolleyes:
Sure, that's why you have no argument against it, and after several pages of posts. :rolleyes:

I gave you several good arguments against it. You chose to ignore them.

Reagan was very much into fighting against the Soviet Union. That was a common theme throughout much of his life.

Trying to help a nation rebel against the Soviet Union and against a repressive government is not limited to any political party or affiliation. It is especially not limited to social conservatives.

Reagan worked with the Pope, this is true. But whether his motivations were religious or political in their nature is debatable. Poland is largely catholic. Having the Pope as an ally would mobilize the population in ways that the labor disputes and martial law could never do.

Now I am sure you will repeat your "you get wordy when you are losing" mantra. But I have learned that when dealing with you I must cover as many bases as possible in one post so we can avoid dozens dealing with your dodging.

If Reagan is your idea of a social conservative then I will happily vote for that sort of social conservative. All he has to do is say a few nice things about religion and you and your ilk fall right into line. Then we can get on with the fiscal conservatives agenda. Which is where my beliefs fall.
Before he became President US policy for USSR was containment, and the world lost more ground to communism every decade. Regan called them the evil empire, shocking the hell out of social liberals, and took them down. *shrug*
Before he became President US policy for USSR was containment, and the world lost more ground to communism every decade. Regan called them the evil empire, shocking the hell out of social liberals, and took them down. *shrug*

they took themselves down with fiscal irresponsibility and such. The same road we have been on for a few decades.
they took themselves down with fiscal irresponsibility and such. The same road we have been on for a few decades.
Partly true in the first part, very true on the second. Reagan bankrupted the morally bankrupt USSR by accelerating the arms race. China could do that to the US now if they so chose.
Or embargo us and our shelves would be mostly bare.
In the long run they'd be doing us a great favor.

The reality is that they need us more than we need them. We grow our own food and then some and can survive easily without "stuff" for a long time. They, however, can't survive in their cities without the jobs.
In the long run they'd be doing us a great favor.

The reality is that they need us more than we need them. We grow our own food and then some and can survive easily without "stuff" for a long time. They, however, can't survive in their cities without the jobs.

We import nearly as much foodstuffs as we export. Sad but true.
It's obvious now, she'll never get over her abnormal obsession. Soooo, soooo sad. Oh, well.

I've been how many people now..
I've never seen people with such a weird obsession...
It's strange, and kinda creepy...
We'll have to wait and see who they will have me next....(cue the twilight zone music..)
I've been how many people now..
I've never seen people with such a weird obsession...
It's strange, and kinda creepy...
We'll have to wait and see who they will have me next....(cue the twilight zone music..)

Very, very creepy, because it never goes away.