Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?

then you should go donate to the Sarah Palin pac...I listed the addy above..:cof1:

Or you can just drop the money in the collection plate or give it to a worthy charity. And let the liars, cheats, and other political animals sort it out without your money.
Or you can just drop the money in the collection plate or give it to a worthy charity. And let the liars, cheats, and other political animals sort it out without your money.

as you said in another thread, you will go and do as you please.. and SO SHALL I.
I wasn't talking to you anyway, was I?
you had been and still are...dismissed::cof1:
as you said in another thread, you will go and do as you please.. and SO SHALL I.
I wasn't talking to you anyway, was I?
you had been and still are...dismissed::cof1:

Still aren't talking to me? lol

You made a suggestion that someone donate to Palin's campaign fund. I countered that with what I think is a better suggestion.

If you do not want anyone to disagree with you and only want the person you address to answer you, I would suggest you send private messages.

This is a public debate forum.
I'd be much more likely to donate to that ditz so Obama can smash her worse than he did the fossil.
Still aren't talking to me? lol

You made a suggestion that someone donate to Palin's campaign fund. I countered that with what I think is a better suggestion.

If you do not want anyone to disagree with you and only want the person you address to answer you, I would suggest you send private messages.

This is a public debate forum.

you know what you can do with your suggestions, right..
A self made woman with five kids and a successful blue collar husband who rides snow machines faster than anyone else, and she's easy on the eyes: Liberal nightmare. :)

Brains don't count for much, huh? Would you claim she is smart enough to be your President?

There are many self-made women in Alaska who would put her to shame when it comes to brains, plenty of them in the USA, who have kids and no husband and have done well by themselves and others.

Easy on the eyes doesn't go as far in my books as brains.
Elitist. *shrug*

I guess if wanting your President educated makes you "elitist" then move over Topspin, you have company. I don't dis her for Community College, it is that she has not educated herself beyond her own self interests that disturbs me! She wants to be a player on the big stage, then she needs to have a little more on the brain for me.
Brains don't count for much, huh? Would you claim she is smart enough to be your President?

There are many self-made women in Alaska who would put her to shame when it comes to brains, plenty of them in the USA, who have kids and no husband and have done well by themselves and others.

Easy on the eyes doesn't go as far in my books as brains.
If she's smart enough to be a governor she's smart enough to be a president, and "brains" doesn't mean nearly as much as common sense and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

The most cerebral of the presidents was probably Jimmy Carter and he was one of the worst.
Grownups don't make a caricature of the other's argument and try to debate that. *shrug*

You made a claim and couldn't back it up with any facts. Then tried to dance around and dodge the issue.

Hint: Keep trying the caricature argument, its almost like having facts except its not.
Or you can just drop the money in the collection plate or give it to a worthy charity. And let the liars, cheats, and other political animals sort it out without your money.

you're are one dishonest person, you had to go back and edit your post after it was replied to...tsk tsk tsk
Palin was my Governor until I left Alaska, and is still thought of very highly I do know about her more than you ugly lefties do down here in the lower 48...
they wouldn't still be writing ugly articles week after week about her if they weren't afraid of her running against "the Obama" and having a chance to beat him...
but watching all this is entertaining and just helping her out, so have at it I say.

I thought you left Alaska before she was elected...? She isn't that popular anymore, people have figured her out! She isn't a player for us, anymore, she has her eyes on a bigger prize and Alaskans like the politicians loyal, we haven't seen that from Sarah.

Funny, Alaskans found the dirt on Sarah the same time those in the lower 48 did. There wasn't much in the news here about her personal life when she ran. She was new and fresh and Republican. You don't have to try very hard in this state if you are Republican. The Dems have to run a little harder race up here. I am glad to see that the good Junior Senator from Alaska is doing well for us, he is a Democrat and even though he has a famous name, he still had to work hard to get where he is in our government. I don't feel Sarah has worked hard enough, yet!
If she's smart enough to be a governor she's smart enough to be a president, and "brains" doesn't mean nearly as much as common sense and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

The most cerebral of the presidents was probably Jimmy Carter and he was one of the worst.

Well, if you believe that, your mind is made up. despite evidence to the contrary.

I think you will find that history will be kinder to Carter than you are, and I think Reagan was a bad President, but wrote good love letters!
as you said in another thread, you will go and do as you please.. and SO SHALL I.
I wasn't talking to you anyway, was I?
you had been and still are...dismissed::cof1:

You are too, two, to, tutu, funny!
you're are one dishonest person, you had to go back and edit your post after it was replied to...tsk tsk tsk

I did not edit that post.

And when you write "you're are" you might think of doing a little editing yourself. You have said "you are are" basically.
I thought you left Alaska before she was elected...? She isn't that popular anymore, people have figured her out! She isn't a player for us, anymore, she has her eyes on a bigger prize and Alaskans like the politicians loyal, we haven't seen that from Sarah.

Funny, Alaskans found the dirt on Sarah the same time those in the lower 48 did. There wasn't much in the news here about her personal life when she ran. She was new and fresh and Republican. You don't have to try very hard in this state if you are Republican. The Dems have to run a little harder race up here. I am glad to see that the good Junior Senator from Alaska is doing well for us, he is a Democrat and even though he has a famous name, he still had to work hard to get where he is in our government. I don't feel Sarah has worked hard enough, yet!

that's what you get for thinking..when I left Alaska is my business..even though I told you a couple of that is how much you pay attention..
I still have plenty of contacts, friends and read, to know what is happening up there...
you are some of a small minority who can't stand Palin, and that must suck for you...Being in such Conservative state....
you don't feel Sarah has worked hard enough, well, the rest of the people up there don't agree with you now, do they...

see ya..
You made a claim and couldn't back it up with any facts. Then tried to dance around and dodge the issue.

Hint: Keep trying the caricature argument, its almost like having facts except its not.
I answered your question post 11 and in typical Solitary fashion you've created a caricature of my argument then never manned up about doing that. *shrug*
I answered your question post 11 and in typical Solitary fashion you've created a caricature of my argument then never manned up about doing that. *shrug*

The Poland answer? lol Yeah, that is a true social conservative's dream. Only a social conservative would ever want anyone else free or would fight the Soviet Union.
I did not edit that post.

And when you write "you're are" you might think of doing a little editing yourself. You have said "you are are" basically.

woo hoo, that's all ya got...
and you want to stick with that story above, you are lame
The Poland answer? lol Yeah, that is a true social conservative's dream. Only a social conservative would ever want anyone else free or would fight the Soviet Union.
In order to realize that dream he had to work closely with the Pope- a social liberal would never have been able to do that, aside from the fact that they would have no interest in defeating communism. *shrug*