Sarah Palin: An "unholy amalgam"?

I have an idea, go tell them to knock it off...

You're the one complaining about things over and over again.

If you think it's rubbish then don't keep responding to it. This would help to avoid those threads which turn into a long series of bitchy posts showing all parties involved to be -

1.extremely unoriginal in their choice of insults; and

2.a waste of everybody's time
You're the one complaining about things over and over again.

If you think it's rubbish then don't keep responding to it. This would help to avoid those threads which turn into a long series of bitchy posts showing all parties involved to be -

1.extremely unoriginal in their choice of insults; and

2.a waste of everybody's time

well excuse us for voicing our thoughts about it...
we were really making a joke about it, but since it bothers you so much, we'll bow to your wishes..:rolleyes:
well excuse us for voicing our thoughts about it...
we were really making a joke about it, but since it bothers you so much, we'll bow to your command..:rolleyes:

Oh i'm sorry i mistook your joke for incessant whining.

I must get my monitor fixed.
so you didn't see the (cue the twilight zone music)..?

You seem to spend a lot of time whining in one thread or another but now i've been made aware these are all "jokes" then i'll look on them differently from now on. :)
You seem to spend a lot of time whining in one thread or another but now i've been made aware these are all "jokes" then i'll look on them differently from now on. :)

you do whatever blows your mini skirt up..
and the only one I see whining right now, is you wee one..
Never heard that term. Who's "they"?
Black people. Asking if black people have "black j*zz" is like somebody asking if they get "white eyes" when they are punched. It doesn't belong here. There are boards for that kind of question, this isn't one of them.
You seem to spend a lot of time whining in one thread or another but now i've been made aware these are all "jokes" then i'll look on them differently from now on. :)

one other want to take me on, you better get permission from your parents...I eat small brains for lunch...:clink:
Black people. Asking if black people have "black j*zz" is like somebody asking if they get "white eyes" when they are punched. It doesn't belong here. There are boards for that kind of question, this isn't one of them.
Again, I've never hear the term "white eyes". *shrug*