Sarah Palin...

A filter on your router?

That's awesome.

I assure you, your teenagers are whacking off. Even if you managed to pull a magic trick and completely exclude them from all of the pornography that they desperately desire, they are at least imagining girls (or boys, if they swing that way) naked, and masturbating to it. I don't see the point.

The point is that pornography is damaging to young minds and is clear evidence of a sick older one. Its also degrading to women and I'll have none of it within my control.
Racism is the essence of conservatism.
No. Conservatives believe as the Founding Documents state: all men are created equal. It was you Democrats who enslaved Africans, raped their women, broke up their families, then after you went to war with us and got your sorry asses kicked you hung them and burned crosses on their front yards. After we jailed you for that you passed laws to keep them separate from you.
Patriots went to war against the south, true. That's why I still believe the northerners should've lined up all the white southern men and shot them in the head, like traitors.
That would have meant the end of the Democrat Party, which I would have been in favor of. It is, however, never to late to shoot you traitors.
He's talking like that because no woman wants him.
He sees women as objects to be possessed and traded, to be degraded in imaginatively disgusting ways. This behavior is not at all different then his Party's open attitude about Africans back in the 18th, 19th and most of the 20th centuries, and reveals their hidden attitudes now.
He sees women as objects to be possessed and traded, to be degraded in imaginatively disgusting ways. This behavior is not at all different then his Party's open attitude about Africans back in the 18th, 19th and most of the 20th centuries, and reveals their hidden attitudes now.

They're entertainers. Making a video of sex for the purpose of entertaining others (and getting money in the process) is no more degrading than any other form of entertainment-money exchange, or labor-money exchange.

The only difference is that one violates your artificial moral restriction on sexual purity.
They're entertainers. Making a video of sex for the purpose of entertaining others (and getting money in the process) is no more degrading than any other form of entertainment-money exchange, or labor-money exchange.

The only difference is that one violates your artificial moral restriction on sexual purity.

It's a shame you don't have any morals.
It's a shame you don't have any morals.

I understand your fascination with sexual purity. And I entirely reject it. It's not valid in the modern world, and all it does is create unneeded suffering and a criminalization of perfectly legitimate pleasure.

I reject that any modern system of ethics should incorporate sexual purity at all. And I'd like to see any logical defense of that besides you natural disgust, that mostly exists because of you haven't been desensitized to this unnecessary and artifical moral system any more.
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Do I have morals? I would argue that I am far more moral than you are. You and SM accept blatant murder, for instance, that I reject. The only moral standards any society should recognize is 1.) the reduction of harm to human beings, and 2.) fairness.
Do I have morals? I would argue that I am far more moral than you are. You and SM accept blatant murder, for instance, that I reject. The only moral standards any society should recognize is 1.) the reduction of harm to human beings, and 2.) fairness.

almost sounds like you are against abortion?