Sarah Palin...

Stirring shit is my passion. I love to toss in a few words then watch libtards explode with an illogical, passionate, torrent of mental diarrhea. :cof1:
You being all over this like white on rice proves my point rather succinctly. I am done with your histrionics.

Have some shame man. :palm:

How is my argument that SM's comments were hypocritical proof of your point?

No where in this thread did I cry out as a victim of anything.

No shame in my game. :cof1:
I only fuck women.

And for the doubters out there, with me, what you see (or in this case, read) is what you get. I have little to gain from lying or exaggerating.
I only fuck women.

And for the doubters out there, with me, what you see (or in this case, read) is what you get. I have little to gain from lying or exaggerating.

Don't really care if ya are telling the truth or not, but Damn I would like to have your avatar with me right now, LOL
You are comparing the blind driving with gay marriage?

I bring it up when you start with your "conservatives love equality and dems hate people" bullshit.

The KKK started out as a dem group. But I would be willing to wager that damn few of them are dems any more. The times have changed and the conservative movement has done a 180 as far as its social ideal.

The fiscal conservatives are viable candidates and are still follow traditional conservative values. The social conservatives, on the other hand, have abandoned the ideals of smaller, less intrusive gov't.

Bombing abortion clinics, murdering abortion doctors, bombing adult book stores, the car-bombing in Iowa, and the Atlanta Olympics bombings were all by conservatives.
dont forget the guy that flew his plane into a building recently
Well there ya go're everyone can have a little piece o Palin! :)
I understand your fascination with sexual purity. And I entirely reject it. It's not valid in the modern world, and all it does is create unneeded suffering and a criminalization of perfectly legitimate pleasure.

I reject that any modern system of ethics should incorporate sexual purity at all. And I'd like to see any logical defense of that besides you natural disgust, that mostly exists because of you haven't been desensitized to this unnecessary and artifical moral system any more.
I have to agree that their morbid fascination and inhibitions about something as natural as sex is really rather unhealthy. They should probably seek professional help.
Fact of the matter is men like this who talk the loudest, the rudest, and the most foul aren't much of anything in real life. This anonymous bravado is just that.

Anonymous bravado.

Of course he could be the exception, but certainly not the rule.

As for Dumb and Dumber? They are just a couple of typical post teen young neanderthals. lack a proper frame of reference. You've never been stuck in rural Afghanistan, with people shooting at you, where a goat does start to look good after a while. If Cap'n Billy says he make her limp....I believe he could do it....even if it took a week!

A word of warning Cap'n Billy....that's a tougher job then you think. If you could put your foot in there you'd have a shoe for life!