Sarah Palin...

So what? My wife is adorable and she's about as liberal as they come....well except when it comes to taxes. On that issue she makes Grover Norguist look like a progressive liberal. God does that woman hate taxes!! She wears all black on April 15th.

It's liberal MEN that are ugly!

So what? My wife is adorable and she's about as liberal as they come....well except when it comes to taxes. On that issue she makes Grover Norguist look like a progressive liberal. God does that woman hate taxes!! She wears all black on April 15th.
The tax thing tells me that she thinks the government has overstepped its bounds, a conservative trait. The rest will come with experience. You chose wisely. :good4u:
It's liberal MEN that are ugly!

Hey that's not true...just look at Watermark he's ahhh well.....OK, there's 3D then and he's quite.....urrr well.....OK.....Grind....Take Grind....Please! Uhhhhmm There's what won't work.....uh OH YEA I forgot about Jarod why he's....naw he's uglier then a Mediteranean Sea Slug........Gdam USL......It appears I'm the only devastatingly handsome liberal male on this board! :o
Hey that's not true...just look at Watermark he's ahhh well.....OK, there's 3D then and he's quite.....urrr well.....OK.....Grind....Take Grind....Please! Uhhhhmm There's what won't work.....uh OH YEA I forgot about Jarod why he's....naw he's uglier then a Mediteranean Sea Slug........Gdam USL......It appears I'm the only devastatingly handsome liberal male on this board! :o

Dude, we've seen your picture. Your wife must be far-sighted. Don't buy her glasses.
No, only that libtards are simpering girls who can only fuck attractive women via verbal keystrokes 'cause they ain't getting any other kinda real stroking.

These are the kinda' girly men that real women get creeped out by. They think denegrating attractive women on an internet forum makes them seem don't. :cool:

Modesty was never one of your virtues although self delusion is high on the list of negatives. To paraphrase Harry Truman if you can't stand the heat in the kitchen then go forth and multiply.
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The tax thing tells me that she thinks the government has overstepped its bounds, a conservative trait. The rest will come with experience. You chose wisely. :good4u:
Naw....your over thinking things. She hate's taxes for the same reason she hates it when I spend money. Her economic philosophy is that whatever money I earn is our money and whatever money she earns is her money and you'd better keep your damned fingers off'n her money! She has no problems raising your taxes to high heaven....just keep your paws off her money!
Naw....your over thinking things. She hate's taxes for the same reason she hates it when I spend money. Her economic philosophy is that whatever money I earn is our money and whatever money she earns is her money and you'd better keep your damned fingers off'n her money! She has no problems raising your taxes to high heaven....just keep your paws off her money!

I think you're over stating some things. I'm sure she's fair minded and doesn't want me to pay for a bloated government while she doesn't.
Naw....your over thinking things. She hate's taxes for the same reason she hates it when I spend money. Her economic philosophy is that whatever money I earn is our money and whatever money she earns is her money and you'd better keep your damned fingers off'n her money! She has no problems raising your taxes to high heaven....just keep your paws off her money!
Yes, keep your hands off my money. That's pretty much a very conservative idea. What I earn is not society's money, it is mine.
Yes, keep your hands off my money. That's pretty much a very conservative idea. What I earn is not society's money, it is mine.
No, no...she has no problem with your money being societies long as they leave hers alone, she's ok with that. I never said she was fair!