Sarah Palin...

Actually, this tread is about whether people would bang Sarah Palin.
That's right it is. And I for one would not do Palin. Not because I find her unattractive. She is quite attractive but I desperately love my wife and, to be quite honest, I find her way hotter then Palin.
mott don't be a tool, most of us are saying they'd do Palin if they were single. At least I am, and the Pailin are on a short list of mother/daughters that are hittable.
mott don't be a tool, most of us are saying they'd do Palin if they were single. At least I am, and the Pailin are on a short list of mother/daughters that are hittable. are kinky! There's something kinda fucked up about wanting to do a mother/daughter threesome are a good man! :clink:
Mott, you know the answer is yes. If it's a woman, I would do her, given consent and opportunity. And if I weren't married. That should go without saying.
This just proves once again that libtards have no morals.

No, only that libtards are simpering girls who can only fuck attractive women via verbal keystrokes 'cause they ain't getting any other kinda real stroking.

These are the kinda' girly men that real women get creeped out by. They think denegrating attractive women on an internet forum makes them seem don't. :cool:
No, only that libtards are simpering girls who can only fuck attractive women via verbal keystrokes 'cause they ain't getting any other kinda real stroking.

These are the kinda' girly men that real women get creeped out by. They think denegrating attractive women on an internet forum makes them seem don't. :cool:
Actually, we think it sounds funny, not manly.
Actually, we think it sounds funny, not manly.

Guy's that trade in this kind of talk are the ones women get the creepers from; the ones who need big trucks; have big mouths; big egos; all of which can't ever compensate for their usually small packages. (This is how women talk about these kind of men)

Truly guys, this is no mens only locker room. :cool:
Guy's that trade in this kind of talk are the ones women get the creepers from; the ones who need big trucks; have big mouths; big egos; all of which can't ever compensate for their usually small packages. (This is how women talk about these kind of men)

Truly guys, this is no mens only locker room. :cool:

With the exception of Topper, I haven't seen these guys talk that way about a woman when she is here.

And actually, the one who has talked about his big truck only made one or two posts in this thread.
Guy's that trade in this kind of talk are the ones women get the creepers from; the ones who need big trucks; have big mouths; big egos; all of which can't ever compensate for their usually small packages. (This is how women talk about these kind of men)

Truly guys, this is no mens only locker room. :cool:
I feel no need to compensate for my admittedly small penis. Unless you count marrying a tiny wife.