Sarah Palin...

Her hubby would kick his ass big time for lusting after his wife in such a disgusting and demeaning manner. LOL

Fact of the matter is men like this who talk the loudest, the rudest, and the most foul aren't much of anything in real life. This anonymous bravado is just that.

Anonymous bravado.

Of course he could be the exception, but certainly not the rule.

As for Dumb and Dumber? They are just a couple of typical post teen young neanderthals.
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No. Conservatives believe as the Founding Documents state: all men are created equal. It was you Democrats who enslaved Africans, raped their women, broke up their families, then after you went to war with us and got your sorry asses kicked you hung them and burned crosses on their front yards. After we jailed you for that you passed laws to keep them separate from you.

And now some conservatives want to remove the equality in favor of only not allowing gays to marry.

Of the two (conservatives and liberals) groups today, the conservatives would be FAR more likely to burn crosses in yards. Such are the changes in the political spectrum.
And now some conservatives want to remove the equality in favor of only not allowing gays to marry.

Of the two (conservatives and liberals) groups today, the conservatives would be FAR more likely to burn crosses in yards. Such are the changes in the political spectrum.

Pure hysterical, predictable, and provocative speculation.

Is this your set up for the day to keep you flush in posting action?
And now some conservatives want to remove the equality in favor of only not allowing gays to marry.

Of the two (conservatives and liberals) groups today, the conservatives would be FAR more likely to burn crosses in yards. Such are the changes in the political spectrum.

Queers aren't qualified to marry just like the blind aren't qualified to drive. You bring up this subject in every thread. Get the fuck over it.

The fact is that lib-tards and Democrats are the far more likely to commit terrorist acts. Ted Kazinski, Environment First, the KKK.
This is just my pointing out the hypocrisy of some, so called, conservatives.

It's isn't a point at all. It's pure conjecture and speculation based only in a need to incite an argument to once again position yourself for your daily day long battle(s).

If it is a point, it's moot.
Queers aren't qualified to marry just like the blind aren't qualified to drive. You bring up this subject in every thread. Get the fuck over it.

The fact is that lib-tards and Democrats are the far more likely to commit terrorist acts. Ted Kazinski, Environment First, the KKK.

You are comparing the blind driving with gay marriage?

I bring it up when you start with your "conservatives love equality and dems hate people" bullshit.

The KKK started out as a dem group. But I would be willing to wager that damn few of them are dems any more. The times have changed and the conservative movement has done a 180 as far as its social ideal.

The fiscal conservatives are viable candidates and are still follow traditional conservative values. The social conservatives, on the other hand, have abandoned the ideals of smaller, less intrusive gov't.

Bombing abortion clinics, murdering abortion doctors, bombing adult book stores, the car-bombing in Iowa, and the Atlanta Olympics bombings were all by conservatives.
It's isn't a point at all. It's pure conjecture and speculation based only in a need to incite an argument to once again position yourself for your daily day long battle(s).

If it is a point, it's moot.

It is a perfectly valid point when people are trying to slam other people by talking about them hating equality because of their liberal leanings, while at the same time engaging in wholesale mockery of people and refusing to acknowledge that they themselves have fought against equality.

You want to claim its moot because you wish to buddy up with SM.

You are in favor of amending the US Constitution to interfere in marriages of private citizens.

You are not in favor of removing the gov't from marriages.

You are in favor of the state of NC removing someone from office or invalidating his election because he is an atheist.
The amendment process is part of the US Constitution.

State governments have their own constitutions and laws. This tread is about the US Constitution.
The amendment process is part of the US Constitution.

State governments have their own constitutions and laws. This tread is about the US Constitution.

You asked for examples concerning my statement "The social conservatives, on the other hand, have abandoned the ideals of smaller, less intrusive gov't."

I gave valid examples.

Yes, the amendment process is part of the US Constitution. But that does not change the fact that you support a constitutional amendment that calls for more interference in private lives.

State gov'ts do indeed have their own constitutions. Thanks for that fact, Captain Obvious. But it does not change the fact that you want the state gov't to interfere in a valid election and ignore the will of the people, just to enforce your religious beliefs.
Fact of the matter is men like this who talk the loudest, the rudest, and the most foul aren't much of anything in real life. This anonymous bravado is just that.

Anonymous bravado.

Of course he could be the exception, but certainly not the rule.

As for Dumb and Dumber? They are just a couple of typical post teen young neanderthals.

It is a perfectly valid point when people are trying to slam other people by talking about them hating equality because of their liberal leanings, while at the same time engaging in wholesale mockery of people and refusing to acknowledge that they themselves have fought against equality.

You want to claim its moot because you wish to buddy up with SM.

No Solitary. You want to stir the shit pot and then claim innocent victim all the effin' day long.

I am perfectly willing to concede that SM does his share of shit-stirring. The most distinguishing difference is he doesn't cry victim out the other side of his mouth. He owns it.
No Solitary. You want to stir the shit pot and then claim innocent victim all the effin' day long.

I am perfectly willing to concede that SM does his share of shit-stirring. The most distinguishing difference is he doesn't cry victim out the other side of his mouth. He owns it.

WTF?? lol Thats hilarious. Especially considering the number of times SM has mentions people neg repping him.

I have no problem owning anything I do. I have not cried victim at all. Perhaps you are mistaking me for someone else.
WTF?? lol Thats hilarious. Especially considering the number of times SM has mentions people neg repping him.

I have no problem owning anything I do. I have not cried victim at all. Perhaps you are mistaking me for someone else.

You being all over this like white on rice proves my point rather succinctly. I am done with your histrionics.

Have some shame man. :palm: