Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

"QAnon supporter, with Georgia primary victory, is poised to bring far-right conspiracy theory to Congress"

"Marjorie Taylor Greene, who has endorsed the baseless theory and made a slew of other racist remarks on video, won a Republican primary runoff in Georgia’s 14th Congressional District, according to the Associated Press. Her victory, in a northwestern swath of the state that has favored Republicans by wide margins, sets her up to become QAnon’s first devotee in Congress."
It is hard to figure out why these people believe stuff that is easily disproved and yet in its denial they find reason to believe. Every other day Hillary is going to jail in their world. Soon Biden and Harris will be martians or pick whatever nonsense Qanon comes up with next. When nothing is real everything becomes whatever you wish it to be.

My theory is that Trump is fronting for a sinister cabal who want us to think that the Revolutionary War was won by the air force, the Second World War ended in 1917, thousands of invisible people in New Jersey cheered on 9/11, and much else besides.

Having a QAnon believer in Congress is just the first step. When we can’t think straight anymore, then Trump will have done his work and the sinister cabal will strike!
Conspiracy theorists tend to be marginalized, low self-esteem types who don't feel like they fit in with society in general. The conspiracies are their way of creating a little club where only they are smart enough to know The Truth; the rest of us are blind dummies. They have this in common with other non-critical-thinkers like religious fundies, four-year-olds who believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and many #TRE45ON cultists. JPP is a treasure-trove of these bizarre people.
Conspiracy theorists tend to be marginalized, low self-esteem types who don't feel like they fit in with society in general. The conspiracies are their way of creating a little club where only they are smart enough to know The Truth; the rest of us are blind dummies. They have this in common with other non-critical-thinkers like religious fundies, four-year-olds who believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and many #TRE45ON cultists. JPP is a treasure-trove of these bizarre people.

did you see the epstein / gislaine maxwell news items?