Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

Agreed. Before the Internet these people met in person and jerked each other off in private or they stood screaming on street corners or soap boxes dodging rocks and rotten fruit. With the advent of the Internet, they had a global voice. The Internet doesn't make their ideas rational, just reaching more people.

Very true. Isn't it ironic that in the age of instant communication and social media, some ppl can still feel isolated, marginalized, and left behind?
Very true. Isn't it ironic that in the age of instant communication and social media, some ppl can still feel isolated, marginalized, and left behind?

True. It's all part of the human condition running headlong into our own tech. Humanity has always been better at inventing tech than in being wise enough to use it properly.
Not me but it's fascinating to watch a group destroy itself with nutjob theories.

Yes. It is interesting.
I noticed at todays Press Briefing the question was brought up to Trump and he quickly praised Greene and her victory, and then moved on to another question to avoid actually endorsing or discrediting QAnon.
Yes. It is interesting.
I noticed at todays Press Briefing the question was brought up to Trump and he quickly praised Greene and her victory, and then moved on to another question to avoid actually endorsing or discrediting QAnon.

I'm guessing all Republican Senators and Representatives are having what we call in Texas a "come-to-Jesus moment" regarding what to do about Trump before he takes down the entire Republican party in November.
I noticed at todays Press Briefing the question was brought up to Trump and he quickly praised Greene and her victory, and then moved on to another question to avoid actually endorsing or discrediting QAnon.

He did the same with 9/11 trutherism in 2015-16. Some of them thought he would reveal the "truth" if he was elected. They're still waiting.
^Mentally challenged triggered loon.



low grade psychiatric patient with anger issuers
My theory is that Trump is fronting for a sinister cabal who want us to think that the Revolutionary War was won by the air force, the Second World War ended in 1917, thousands of invisible people in New Jersey cheered on 9/11, and much else besides.

Having a QAnon believer in Congress is just the first step. When we can’t think straight anymore, then Trump will have done his work and the sinister cabal will strike!

Is there any doubt that some loons actually believe all or part of that?
It is hard to figure out why these people believe stuff that is easily disproved and yet in its denial they find reason to believe. Every other day Hillary is going to jail in their world. Soon Biden and Harris will be martians or pick whatever nonsense Qanon comes up with next. When nothing is real everything becomes whatever you wish it to be.

These people are amusing, but way “out there”. I wonder what their actual numbers are?
These people are amusing, but way “out there”. I wonder what their actual numbers are?

Exceedingly small. Consider that even if the US has 300,000 deaths from botching the COVID virus response, that it is only 0.095% of our 328,000,000 population. Yes, not even 0.1%. Obviously demographically some people, especially the elderly, will suffer the brunt of the deaths. Like a combat casualty in Afghanistan or Iraq, it sucks to be them or their families, but the reality is most people won't be directly affected by the deaths. Those who become severely sick are a much, much larger group of about 6M. Everyone who gets sick will most certainly know Trump is a fucking moron as will the families of the sick.

In the case of the Qanon idiots, they appear to be a mostly under 30 demographic and, from what I've seen, mostly under 25 year old white males. I strongly doubt there are more than a few thousand of these morons scattered across the Internet. If they had a meeting, they'd be lucky to have a few hundred show up because most are either unemployed or working bottom rung jobs. Like Incels, the Qanon demographic are basement dwelling racist and misogynistic loners living their lives on the Internet.
Exceedingly small. Consider that even if the US has 300,000 deaths from botching the COVID virus response, that it is only 0.095% of our 328,000,000 population. Yes, not even 0.1%. Obviously demographically some people, especially the elderly, will suffer the brunt of the deaths. Like a combat casualty in Afghanistan or Iraq, it sucks to be them or their families, but the reality is most people won't be directly affected by the deaths. Those who become severely sick are a much, much larger group of about 6M. Everyone who gets sick will most certainly know Trump is a fucking moron as will the families of the sick.

In the case of the Qanon idiots, they appear to be a mostly under 30 demographic and, from what I've seen, mostly under 25 year old white males. I strongly doubt there are more than a few thousand of these morons scattered across the Internet. If they had a meeting, they'd be lucky to have a few hundred show up because most are either unemployed or working bottom rung jobs.
There must be something in the water in KS, my brother, brother in law and several high school friends believe Q conspiracies. It baffles me why they find these conspiracies believable.
There must be something in the water in KS, my brother, brother in law and several high school friends believe Q conspiracies. It baffles me why they find these conspiracies believable.

Mr. Owl is FB friends with several ppl he went to HS with. He's unfriended several of them because they, too, believe that crazy shit. He said of those that none of them went to college, they still live in that lower-income very rural area, and those who have jobs (most of the women were stay-at-home moms), they're blue collar type employment. Trumpanzees, every last one of them.
There must be something in the water in KS, my brother, brother in law and several high school friends believe Q conspiracies. It baffles me why they find these conspiracies believable.

Why people believe in conspiracy theories is always an interesting topic to me. The US isn't alone here; there are several nations where "conspiracy theories" are rampant.


IMO, it has something to do with the human ability to see patterns in chaos. Such an ability is a survival trait then trying to perceive threats hidden in the wilderness such as a tiger crouching behind leaves. Human beings have a range of behaviors so some have more of this ability, some less. Most of us who remember what a static filled TV screen looks like can test this ability by watching that static for a few minutes. Most people will see ghost images in the static. Those images aren't really there, it's just the human mind trying to fill in the gaps of patterns. Conspiracy theorists are trying to hard to fill in gaps. I think they are compelled, even need, to fill in gaps and it gives them comfort in someway.

Human perception:

there are several nations where "conspiracy theories" are rampant.

Conspiracy theories thrive in countries where the government is opaque, and authentic news is hard to come by, like much of the M.E.

The US isn't perfect but it has one of the most transparent governmental systems on earth. Everything they do or say is reported, analyzed and commented on from dozens of different angles. But people still go for conspiracy theories!

P.S. Like the pics. :)
Conspiracy theories thrive in countries where the government is opaque, and authentic news is hard to come by, like much of the M.E.

The US isn't perfect but it has one of the most transparent governmental systems on earth. Everything they do or say is reported, analyzed and commented on from dozens of different angles. But people still go for conspiracy theories!

P.S. Like the pics. :)

ok, establishment shill.