Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

the truth is out there , ya disgusting pedo protector.

Trump 2002
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Trump 2019
“I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you.”
Trump 2002
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.”

Trump 2019
“I was not a fan of his, that I can tell you.”

trump may be involved at some level.

the investigation must continue, regardless. do you agree?
"A fringe theory that President Trump is at war with a global cabal of powerful, Satan-worshiping elites who control the world and run a child sex ring has shifted over the last three years from anonymous message boards to Trump rallies to the 2020 ballot.'

Anybody buy into this?

LA Times????

"Trump, House Republicans embrace candidate who has made racist statements, drawing attention to party’s tolerance of bigotry"

"President Trump and Republican leaders’ embrace of a House candidate who has made racist statements and espoused the QAnon conspiracy theory is again highlighting the party’s willingness to tolerate extreme and bigoted positions."

Washington Post????

It is hard to figure out why these people believe stuff that is easily disproved and yet in its denial they find reason to believe.

It is; I mean, morons in the PHONY media and lying left thought Hillary was a shoo-in and after Trump won, pretend the results were faked by the Russians. :palm:
My theory is that Trump is fronting for a sinister cabal who want us to think that the Revolutionary War was won by the air force, the Second World War ended in 1917, thousands of invisible people in New Jersey cheered on 9/11, and much else besides.

Having a QAnon believer in Congress is just the first step. When we can’t think straight anymore, then Trump will have done his work and the sinister cabal will strike!

^Mentally challenged triggered loon.

Conspiracy theorists tend to be marginalized, low self-esteem types who don't feel like they fit in with society in general. The conspiracies are their way of creating a little club where only they are smart enough to know The Truth; the rest of us are blind dummies. They have this in common with other non-critical-thinkers like religious fundies, four-year-olds who believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and many #TRE45ON cultists. JPP is a treasure-trove of these bizarre people.

^Low IQ loon doesn't know she just described the left and Democratic Party of the Jackass. :palm:
Conspiracy theorists tend to be marginalized, low self-esteem types who don't feel like they fit in with society in general. The conspiracies are their way of creating a little club where only they are smart enough to know The Truth; the rest of us are blind dummies. They have this in common with other non-critical-thinkers like religious fundies, four-year-olds who believe in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and many #TRE45ON cultists. JPP is a treasure-trove of these bizarre people.

Agreed. Before the Internet these people met in person and jerked each other off in private or they stood screaming on street corners or soap boxes dodging rocks and rotten fruit. With the advent of the Internet, they had a global voice. The Internet doesn't make their ideas rational, just reaching more people.