Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

There was clear evidence against Epstein and Maxwell. Completely unfounded rumors about Tom Hanks, Comet Ping Pong, Wayfair, are terrible claims that can destroy a person. If a person is involved in pedophilia or trafficking then prosecute. Claims about the Clintons and Comet Pizza are disgusting. Even Alex Jones who was pushing that crap apologized.

You tend to believe all those conspiracy theories.

there's evidence clintons have been on the lolita express.

you tend to ignore evidence that hurts the powerful.

do you agree with pursuing the investigation to wherever it goes?

trump says he cut ties with epstein when he was hitting on girls too young at maralago. but he could be lying. trump should be held liable to the degree of his complicity. they all should. do you agree?

Sure, but only go after people really committing crimes, not wild charges. That guy from NC who took the gun to free the children at Comet found it didn't even have a basement. The picture came from a different building; yet, people wanted to believe that story because it was anti-Clinton and fed their conspiracy theory bent.

Separate child trafficking from Deep State cabal crap.
Sure, but only go after people really committing crimes, not wild charges. That guy from NC who took the gun to free the children at Comet found it didn't even have a basement. The picture came from a different building; yet, people wanted to believe that story because it was anti-Clinton and fed their conspiracy theory bent.

Separate child trafficking from Deep State cabal crap.

do you remember all the the clinton accusers? the long list?

you're obviously desperate here.

what if the deep state cabal runs on pedophile / sex crime kompromat?
there's evidence clintons have been on the lolita express.

you tend to ignore evidence that hurts the powerful.

do you agree with pursuing the investigation to wherever it goes?

I didn't ignore any evidence--I haven't seen any except for Epstein and Maxwell.

Your evidence Clinton went to the island wouldn't be that phony flight log, would it? The girls involved (from the "Surviving Epstein" series) said many people who went to the island were not involved in any sexual activities. If there is evidence Clinton engaged in illegal activities, charge him. If not, quit spreading false rumors.

Tom Hanks was recently given honorary Greek citizenship because of his help with the fires there. Now the crazy QAnon people are saying it is to hide from pedophile charges.

Greece has had extradition charges with the U. S. since 1932.
do you remember all the the clinton accusers? the long list?

you're obviously desperate here.

what if the deep state cabal runs on pedophile / sex crime kompromat?

Well, if there really was some deep state cabal the Justice Department could look into it. Seems like Barr must not be doing his job.
Well, if there really was some deep state cabal the Justice Department could look into it. Seems like Barr must not be doing his job.

ok. there's no deep state. nothing to see here. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. this isn't kansas anymore, Dotty.
I didn't ignore any evidence--I haven't seen any except for Epstein and Maxwell.

Your evidence Clinton went to the island wouldn't be that phony flight log, would it? The girls involved (from the "Surviving Epstein" series) said many people who went to the island were not involved in any sexual activities. If there is evidence Clinton engaged in illegal activities, charge him. If not, quit spreading false rumors.

Tom Hanks was recently given honorary Greek citizenship because of his help with the fires there. Now the crazy QAnon people are saying it is to hide from pedophile charges.

Greece has had extradition charges with the U. S. since 1932.

maybe you're not privy to all things. is that possible?

your desperation is telling, operative.

neocon deep state shillhole.
ok. there's no deep state. nothing to see here. pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. this isn't kansas anymore, Dotty.

A few questions (keep answers short)

1.Who killed JFK?

2. Who was behind the 9-11 attack?

3. Was there a child sex ring in Comet Ping Pong?

4. Is there a Deep State?

5. Did Clinton legally win the popular vote total in 2016?

6. Was there an FBI conspiracy to remove Trump from office?
A few questions (keep answers short)

1.Who killed JFK?

2. Who was behind the 9-11 attack?

3. Was there a child sex ring in Comet Ping Pong?

4. Is there a Deep State?

5. Did Clinton legally win the popular vote total in 2016?

6. Was there an FBI conspiracy to remove Trump from office?

1. a coalition of parties. definitely not a lone gunmen. jfk wanted to issue a silver backed currency. that's probably the main reason he was done in.

2. military industrial complex. to generate support for more war.

3. it's much more vast that just that one spot, but yes.

4. yes. deep state is a combination of intelligence services, mercenaries , large corporate leaders, and off grid billionaire / trillionaire families.

5. you mean the total popular votes summing across all states? possibly. but we have the electoral college. can you acknowledge trump won the popular vote in each state he won?

6. yes. operation crossfire hurricane and other shenanigans.
maybe you're not privy to all things. is that possible?

your desperation is telling, operative.

neocon deep state shillhole.

If there was any real evidence we would all be privy to it. I'm not the desperate one since I'm not trying to prove debunked theories.
1. a coalition of parties. definitely not a lone gunmen. jfk wanted to issue a silver backed currency. that's probably the main reason he was done in.

2. military industrial complex. to generate support for more war.

3. it's much more vast that just that one spot, but yes.

4. yes. deep state is a combination of intelligence services, mercenaries , large corporate leaders, and off grid billionaire / trillionaire families.

5. you mean the total popular votes summing across all states? possibly. but we have the electoral college. can you acknowledge trump won the popular vote in each state he won?

6. yes. operation crossfire hurricane and other shenanigans.

You believe in every conspiracy theory listed except Trump's claim he actually won the popular vote because Hilary got 3 million illegal votes. Yes, Trump won the popular vote in every state he won and won the electoral college.

My point is that when you believe every conspiracy theory you are always looking for more exciting explanations for things and ignore the more boring reality.
You believe in every conspiracy theory listed except Trump's claim he actually won the popular vote because Hilary got 3 million illegal votes. Yes, Trump won the popular vote in every state he won and won the electoral college.

My point is that when you believe every conspiracy theory you are always looking for more exciting explanations for things and ignore the more boring reality.

when one's defending the establishment desperately, because one's an establishment idiot/ shillhole, one allow onesself to be gaslit out of reality by establishment propaganda, and one ends up sounding like your dumb ass.
QAnon uses the same Internet as the rest of us. It is a psychological operation.
I skipped serval pages due to the repetitious nonsense of those who claim that there are no conspiracies.

What they mean is that there are only conspiracies that they believe.
If you believe in Russiagate, you are a conspiracy theorist.