Satanism and sex rings: How the QAnon conspiracy theory has taken political root

How would you know if QAnon was a hoax? Is there any conceivable evidence that would persuade you?

I used to ask 9/11 truthers a similar question on the Amazon forums. I don’t think any of them came up with an answer. Most of them had never even thought of it.

That is the essential difference between a conspiracy theory and a scientific hypothesis, and you don’t get around it by calling people names.


Agreed Qanon is gay. Incel's mostly are too but some are just genetic eunuchs.

My theory is that Trump is fronting for a sinister cabal who want us to think that the Revolutionary War was won by the air force, the Second World War ended in 1917, thousands of invisible people in New Jersey cheered on 9/11, and much else besides.

not surprising, since you believed Trump colluded with Russians to cheat on the election......
not surprising, since you believed Trump colluded with Russians to cheat on the election......

See post #117.
To save you the trouble of going to the previous page, here it is again (say thank you :))

Would it surprize you to know that I never thought it likely Trump collaborated with the Russian meddlers?

I imagined myself in the position of Chief Russian Meddler. Would I have confided in Blabbermouth? Hell no!

It still needed to be investigated, though, based on the information they had in summer of 2016. No one need apologize for that, provided it was done discreetly, which it was. Comey didn't go public a week before the election and announce that the FBI was investigating one of the Presidential contenders. (Well, he did, but it wasn't Trump.)
would have been much better if the FBI hadn't covered it up for the year before......

I have to agree with you there, Pomo. It would have been better if the FBI had leaked before the election that they were investigating Trump on suspicion of collaborating with Russian agents. Hoover wouldn’t have hesitated back in the day. But these guys were playing it by the book, I guess.

P.S. How are those unclean lips doing? Have you tried Nivea lip balm?
I have to agree with you there, Pomo. It would have been better if the FBI had leaked before the election that they were investigating Trump on suspicion of collaborating with Russian agents. Hoover wouldn’t have hesitated back in the day. But these guys were playing it by the book, I guess.

P.S. How are those unclean lips doing? Have you tried Nivea lip balm?

There is nothing that can remove the taste of Trump.
I have to agree with you there, Pomo. It would have been better if the FBI had leaked before the election that they were investigating Trump on suspicion of collaborating with Russian agents. Hoover wouldn’t have hesitated back in the day. But these guys were playing it by the book, I guess.

P.S. How are those unclean lips doing? Have you tried Nivea lip balm?

and admitted the whole thing had been bought and paid for by the least they are starting to go to jail for it now......and just in time for the next election.......
Is this what "Jesus" told you?: "the penis in my ear is so heavy I find it difficult to lift my head out of the gutter"

Dude, for the sake of your soul, stop listening to Satan. Jesus would never be evil or hateful.

/ are like a basketball......I can dribble you forever.......