
This is how you STFU?

Laugh Hyena,

Tain't a bit funny, but it is quite obvious that I see humor in a different light than you.

Donny, I hope you will note about RJS' posts that they never use, bad words, even substituting sheet for the other word? That is what a gentleman does when posting on a board where there are members of the opposite sex, and, I am sure, what with you running around school yards with no clothes on, you know what "tain't" means? I do not want to see that word here again, capcia?
This is how you STFU?

Laugh Hyena,

Tain't a bit funny, but it is quite obvious that I see humor in a different light than you. If you really wanted to be reasonable (since you realize that I don't find your type of humor the least bit funny). I think you woud just determine to refraind from trying to joke with me. Obviously your JOKES go over like a lead balloon.

Are you obtuse? I did not say that I was going to STFU. I asked if YOU would. Dumbass. Quit lying about what I said..

I noticed you edited your own post again.... quit lying about what you said originally.
This is how you STFU?

Laugh Hyena,

Tain't a bit funny, but it is quite obvious that I see humor in a different light than you. If you really wanted to be reasonable (since you realize that I don't find your type of humor the least bit funny). I think you woud just determine to refraind from trying to joke with me. Obviously your JOKES go over like a lead balloon.

Doniston, it is funny, objectively, according to science.

Donny, we have talked about this? When you have nothing to say, say nothing...there is no need to rush in here and post nothing in a sad attempt to confuse people, it might confuse a couple of lefty pinheads, but surely you did not think you were going to get this not a post post, past the mensa man?
Are you obtuse? I did not say that I was going to STFU. I asked if YOU would. Dumbass. Quit lying about what I said..

I noticed you edited your own post again.... quit lying about what you said originally.
You are now in the same position as RUS, and ASSHAT -you are all nothings. no further comment required.
Donny, we have talked about this? When you have nothing to say, say nothing...there is no need to rush in here and post nothing in a sad attempt to confuse people, it might confuse a couple of lefty pinheads, but surely you did not think you were going to get this not a post post, past the mensa man?

You are now in the same position as RUS, and ASSHAT -you are all nothings. no further comment required.

Do not tease us? We should only get so lucky?

Do not make me kick the cyber sheet out of your skinny wrinkled ass again Diaper Don, by trying to put me in the same room with the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, there going to be a jacuzzi?
Do not tease us? We should only get so lucky?

Do not make me kick the cyber sheet out of your skinny wrinkled ass again Diaper Don, by trying to put me in the same room with the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, there going to be a jacuzzi?
Ted? Is that you?
Do not tease us? We should only get so lucky?

Do not make me kick the cyber sheet out of your skinny wrinkled ass again Diaper Don, by trying to put me in the same room with the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, there going to be a jacuzzi?

Ummm... so you like being in a room with a guy in a jacuzzi? :shock:
DAMO, I repeat the question ARE YIU ALSO RUS? it seems more and more likely.

Diaper Don, you are making an even bigger fool out of yourself than usual? Anyone can tell, that Damocles, while a nice guy, sort of a congenial idiot, is no mensa? And, answer me this, if I were Damocles would I be typing posts to you, or would I have a better use for my hands, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on myself if that were the case, capsia?

How about victims of Depleted Uranium ... anyone?

If you care to look go here .. but be warned, it's an ungodly sight

Me for one...Depleted Uranium...was used in Armor(tank) rounds...mostly the armor piercing rounds...however I am still alive and kicking...just have some skin problems which came on later in life...hey war is hell and not perfect by any stretch of the imagination...and I do not hate the military or the government!
You Won't Win Using Italian Propaganda

We already know what savages did this ...

What .. no outrage?

If you want outrage you'll have to produce evidence. Who is Jeff Englehart? Is he a real soldier? Seems odd that a real soldier would confuse WP with Magnesium.
Well, It was on the front page of CNN and they don't know who the perpetrators were. But what's troubling is that it happened in January. That's completely inexcusable. I hope they die a fiery painful death and rot in hell for eternity having to endure the smell of their burning flesh the whole time.

Hell doesn't exist.