
Yup thats darla...........

Cypress does? lol. I have never noticed, seriously. Well, he doesn't do it to me. At any rate, I don't think this is a big deal except for the obvious fact that you have me drunk on here, who even sober, has the mind of a 4 year old, and who has a new trick thatI find uproariously funny, and will probably amuse my wet, pea brain for days with. Which, will probably amuse some people.

and no darla I have used this edit for about a decade...but you are so into yourself that any guy who does not find you attractive or disagrees with call them drunks and stupid! I will stop when you move on to someone else to cry about...kay!
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That's really not what I say. I say how discrimination against white people goes on and is justified by pseudointellectual brainwashed fascists like yourself.
Thinking that we are going to "save the white race from <insert whatever here>" really isn't all that productive when attempting to remove 'racism'.
and no darla I have used this edit for about a decade...but you are so into yourself that any guy who does not find you attractive or disagrees with call them drunks and stupid! I will stop when you move on to someone else to cry about...kay!

There are guys who don't find me attractive?

Is BB drunk again?
That is not kidding, that is lying. You have just pit yourself into the same catogory as RUS

Tell me exactly old timer.... just HOW is it a lie? I said that I changed it, therefore letting everyone know that .... wait for it.... wait for it.... that I CHANGED it. THUS, if everyone .... except for the senile... KNEW it was a quote altered by me.... then it could not be a lie.
This from the white man who spends all day on here whining about how women and blacks have it so much better than he does.
Yah he is about as functionally Pot/kettle/black as you can get. he is as bad as RUS- worse even because I know that he is smarter than that.
I fess up! :cof1:

I agree with you damo. I've done it a couple times, but I clearly indicated what I was doing, and that it was intended as a joke. No biggie. Unless someone does it all the time, or does it in a malicious manner.
Even as a joke it has a malicious effect, in that those witnessing it do not know whether it is true or false.
You have never had a conversation with a person who says, "So what you are saying is..." and then pulls much the same type of thing?

As I said before, if they do it in a manner that is meant to deceive we will set them straight, but as a quick joke? Come on!
IT__IS__"NEVER"__ A _JOKE when you twist someones sincere words or opinion. You seem to theing everything and ANYTHING is OK.
You have never had a conversation with a person who says, "So what you are saying is..." and then pulls much the same type of thing?

As I said before, if they do it in a manner that is meant to deceive we will set them straight, but as a quick joke? Come on!
IT__IS__"NEVER"__ A _JOKE when you twist someones sincere words or opinion. You seem to think everything and ANYTHING is OK.
Tell me exactly old timer.... just HOW is it a lie? I said that I changed it, therefore letting everyone know that .... wait for it.... wait for it.... that I CHANGED it. THUS, if everyone .... except for the senile... KNEW it was a quote altered by me.... then it could not be a lie.
You have changed MY words into a lie. regardless of wheteher or not you admitted it . When you say, there I"ve' changed it for you" you don't say what or how you have changed it.. (Tho I don't suppose you can understand that)
IT__IS__"NEVER"__ A _JOKE when you twist someones sincere words or opinion. You seem to think everything and ANYTHING is OK.

Lighten up, Francis.