
Attention DAMO
There I helped ya out donny!:D

And that DAMO, is the harm. When you change someone's quote, effectively you are committing a lie. But apparently you seem to think anything is OK. and no wonder, I and others are always misunderstanding each other. that sort of thing doesn't help.
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Sorry old timer... didn't mean to confuse you... next time I will put the ;) next to the phrase... "fixed that for you" so that you know I was kidding.
That is not kidding, that is lying. You have just pit yourself into the same catogory as RUS
DAMO please,

And that DAMO, is the harm. When you change someone's quote, effectively you are committing a loe.
They are making a joke. They point out that they "fixed" the post. I can see no harm. It isn't like I was tricked into thinking it was what you actually posted.
I know... but I only did it jokingly... and ole donny got his panties in a bunch.
and they will stay in a buch when you pull jackass tricks like this. How the hell can anyone carry on a reasinable and serious converstaion when you pull this crap.??
how does superfreak get to change quotes? I thoight that was a NO NO. at th very least, it is disengenious.
Look, he didn't do it in a way that was meant to cause harm, earlier I teased Darla with a post I knew she didn't mean.

Nobody was fooled into thinking it was what you actually posted. If they were, we'd all set them straight.
and they will stay in a buch when you pull jackass tricks like this. How the hell can anyone carry on a reasinable and serious converstaion when you pull this crap.??
You have never had a conversation with a person who says, "So what you are saying is..." and then pulls much the same type of thing?

As I said before, if they do it in a manner that is meant to deceive we will set them straight, but as a quick joke? Come on!
They are making a joke. They point out that they "fixed" the post. I can see no harm. It isn't like I was tricked into thinking it was what you actually posted.
Yes, I know what you think, but having no rules doesn't help the forum at all.
Yes, I know what you think, but having no rules doesn't help the forum at all.
Well, there's two. So far you and Darla. This has definitely happened to me before with the "There I fixed that for ya." and all. I just don't find it as perniscious as you do, nor as "dangerous". Now if they actually were able to get into your post and change it, I would be all over that like stink on crap.

Geez, I am reasonably sure one of the people that do this is Cypress...
Well, there's two. So far you and Darla. This has definitely happened to me before with the "There I fixed that for ya." and all. I just don't find it as perniscious as you do, nor as "dangerous". Now if they actually were able to get into your post and change it, I would be all over that like stink on crap.

Geez, I am reasonably sure one of the people that do this is Cypress...

Cypress does? lol. I have never noticed, seriously. Well, he doesn't do it to me. At any rate, I don't think this is a big deal except for the obvious fact that you have a drunk on here, who even sober, has the mind of a 4 year old, and who has a new trick that he finds uproariously funny, and will probably amuse his wet, pea brain for days with. Which, will probably annoy some people.
Like this one, we know that Darla clearly didn't post that. It is clearly a silly joke.

Well, first of all, my ass is nowhere near that wide, and second of all, I don't assume that position unless a very expensive dinner was involved. And wine. Not by the glass either.
Well, first of all, my ass is nowhere near that wide, and second of all, I don't assume that position unless a very expensive dinner was involved. And wine. Not by the glass either.
How many bottles should I plan for?
Well, there's two. So far you and Darla. This has definitely happened to me before with the "There I fixed that for ya." and all. I just don't find it as perniscious as you do, nor as "dangerous". Now if they actually were able to get into your post and change it, I would be all over that like stink on crap.

Geez, I am reasonably sure one of the people that do this is Cypress...

I fess up! :cof1:

I agree with you damo. I've done it a couple times, but I clearly indicated what I was doing, and that it was intended as a joke. No biggie. Unless someone does it all the time, or does it in a malicious manner.
This from the white man who spends all day on here whining about how women and blacks have it so much better than he does.

That's really not what I say. I say how discrimination against white people goes on and is justified by pseudointellectual brainwashed fascists like yourself.