
Why did you insult me , I was one of the few people on here backing you up?

Dont seek eneies where they are not found.

He didn't insult you when he said "what? Where was Peta?" to your post Desh. That was directed as a sarcasm at what he has already called the "save the whale" types. Not at you. Not that it's my place to explain anyone's posts, and I have tried not to, but I see where this is going. Since bac did not insult you he's going to say what the hell are you talking about, and it will just snowball from there, until BB gets involved and really mucks the whole thing up and nobody knows what happened. :)
Again, WP is not an antipersonnel weapon. It's used for marking; therefore, its use is not illegal.

And yes, it DOES matter who and what is being targetted. That's the difference between us and them, that people like you try to falsely claim is the same thing.

Why no admonition for the filthy scumbags purposefully hiding among noncombatants? The do it just to wind up people like you and it works as well as if you were carrying a weapon in their army. Why do you fall for such a simple ruse?

Please try to not concern yourself with me and my baggage. I did what I believed and still believe was the right thing to do without letting a bunch of backwards arguments and slanted politics cloud my judgement.

The "its technically legal to use it!" exuse is one of the weakest dodges ever. Its morally wrong to use it in civilian areas. Here's the toxicological and anatomical effects of white phosphorus:

If particles of ignited white phosphorus land on a person’s skin, they can continue to burn right through flesh to the bone. Toxic phosphoric acid can also be released into wounds, risking phosphorus poisoning.

Skin burns must be immersed in water or covered with wet cloths to prevent re-combustion until the particles can be removed.

Exposure to white phosphorus smoke in the air can also cause liver, kidney, heart, lung or bone damage and even death.

A former US soldier who served in Iraq says breathing in smoke close to a shell caused the throat and lungs to blister until the victim suffocated, with the phosphorus continuing to burn them from the inside.

Long-term exposure to lesser concentrations over several months or years may lead to a condition called “phossy jaw”, where mouth wounds are caused that fail to heal and the jawbone eventually breaks down.”
the Army's official Field Artillery Magazine contained an article -- "The Fight for Fallujah" -- by three Army artillerymen that said:

"We used it [white phosphorous] for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE [high explosives]. We fired "shake and bake" missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE to take them out."

I think this got ignored in the fray.
Right, and in between they called Desh names for posting it in the first place.

It's so predictable.

Oh God, desh was all over this.

And I clearly remember Desh, myself, and many others saying how messed up it was to use WP in a civilian area.
Why did you insult me , I was one of the few people on here backing you up?

Dont seek eneies where they are not found.


I didn't insult you .. I thought we were laughing together.

Obviously I need to get out of here today. Can't even communicate with friends. This is all fucked up.
He didn't insult you when he said "what? Where was Peta?" to your post Desh. That was directed as a sarcasm at what he has already called the "save the whale" types. Not at you. Not that it's my place to explain anyone's posts, and I have tried not to, but I see where this is going. Since bac did not insult you he's going to say what the hell are you talking about, and it will just snowball from there, until BB gets involved and really mucks the whole thing up and nobody knows what happened. :)

Ok I was not aware of that post and so didnt get the context.

Sorry Coal!
how does superfreak get to change quotes? I thoight that was a NO NO. at th very least, it is disengenious.
anybody can do it, Instead of using the quick reply on the bottom hit the "quote" button and change away...

I can see no harm, especially when they point out that they made the change.
This is what BAC,Cippie,Darla and USC do!

That story relates to a different attack, while I do agree we should never have used some of the weapons that we had it is clearly at attempt at distraction to speak of the guys who poured gasoline on this kid and lit him afire as the people who used White Phosphorous during an attack.

They are separate and distinctly different actions. Both wrong, but definitely not the people who perpetrated the act on this child.

They redirect,spin and twist any story...really sad!
how does superfreak always make me look silly? I am not going to bother looking at what he wrote beneath the changes because that might explain everything to me. at th very least, I am disengenious when I post stupid crap like this.

Sorry old timer... didn't mean to confuse you... next time I will put the ;) next to the phrase... "fixed that for you" so that you know I was kidding.
Well Damo, now do you see why liberals whine and cry more than Al Gore after election day? Those damn evil neo-cons keep changing our quotes and confusing us.


I'm not confused SF, but it can get infuriating depending on who is doing it, and what they change your words to. Obviously, this post does not bother me.