
No, there is not a big difference.

While I would agree that there is some difference in the makeup of a human being who can personally pour gasoline on a 5 year old and light them on fire, and a solider who drops WP on civilians without ever having to face the effects of it, thus enabling denial, there is NO difference in the consequences.

And our leaders who used WP on civilians, which as froggie points out, is against interational law by the way, are no better than these animals who did this. No better. That excuse of "we didn't TARGET" them, has just become a bunch of evil words to cover up a lot of evil deeds.

And Americans who choose, and you must choose, not to know about our use of WP, and Americans who do know but make excuses? Your silence is your legacy.

Pack it when you go meet your creator. I am glad it's your luggage and not mine.

Again, WP is not an antipersonnel weapon. It's used for marking; therefore, its use is not illegal.

And yes, it DOES matter who and what is being targetted. That's the difference between us and them, that people like you try to falsely claim is the same thing.

Why no admonition for the filthy scumbags purposefully hiding among noncombatants? The do it just to wind up people like you and it works as well as if you were carrying a weapon in their army. Why do you fall for such a simple ruse?

Please try to not concern yourself with me and my baggage. I did what I believed and still believe was the right thing to do without letting a bunch of backwards arguments and slanted politics cloud my judgement.
Gunny, we should never use WP to mark targets in a civilian populated area, it causes much the same effect on people.
No, stupid is using WP and pretending it's ok to murder civillians with it, because you didn't "target" them, while knowing full well that there were going to be, you know, "collateral" casualties.

In fact, that's not stupid, it's evil.

Again, WP is not an antipersonnel weapon. It's used for marking; therefore, its use is not illegal.

And yes, it DOES matter who and what is being targetted. That's the difference between us and them, that people like you try to falsely claim is the same thing.

Why no admonition for the filthy scumbags purposefully hiding among noncombatants? The do it just to wind up people like you and it works as well as if you were carrying a weapon in their army. Why do you fall for such a simple ruse?

Please try to not concern yourself with me and my baggage. I did what I believed and still believe was the right thing to do without letting a bunch of backwards arguments and slanted politics cloud my judgement.

Look at you. Swallowing every little thing the government gives to you and saying you're still hungry can you have some more?

Every single claim you make in this post is straight out of the Pentagon PR department, and when they backtrack on their lies, which they often are forced to, "people like you" never seem to notice.

I don't give a crap about your baggage believe me. As I said, it's yours to carry. I am just thankful it's not mine. I wasn't quiet.
the Army's official Field Artillery Magazine contained an article -- "The Fight for Fallujah" -- by three Army artillerymen that said:

"We used it [white phosphorous] for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE [high explosives]. We fired "shake and bake" missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE to take them out."
So in other words, you were not able to find any post of mine that claim US forces did that?

How did I know you wouldn't?

You didn't state it verbadum but you were implying it. The thread was about an Iraqi boy being set on fire. You changed the thread to what America has done wrong. Within that was your implication. It's the same thing Damo saw.
Its stories like this that continue to solidify my belief that Iraq was better off with Saddam in charge.
You didn't state it verbadum but you were implying it. The thread was about an Iraqi boy being set on fire. You changed the thread to what America has done wrong. Within that was your implication. It's the same thing Damo saw.

I will concede that perhaps my post could have been misinterpreted, although I don't see how given that I immediately followed my statement with the WP incident .. however, I concede that it's possible.

But given that I have clarified that supposed confusion and it should be clear that is what I indeed intended, I don't see how this is still an issue.
I will concede that perhaps my post could have been misinterpreted, although I don't see how given that I immediately followed my statement with the WP incident .. however, I concede that it's possible.

But given that I have clarified that supposed confusion and it should be clear that is what I indeed intended, I don't see how this is still an issue.

What?! "could have been misinterpreted" my a$$. You mis spoke plain and simple.
BAC is apparently upset over Vick....

I'm not upset about Vick. He has a lot more money and resources than me or I imagine anyone here has. His life will go on.

What upsets me is the pretense, hype, and bullshit sensationalism.

In training protection dogs, I've had to answer and deal with the issue of dog attacks on people. In Detroit I was part of a study group on how to prevent them. In Los Angeles I was part of an awareness campaign and demonstrated the difference between a dog trained to protect and what dogs become when they live their lives chained to a fence. We also responded to dog attacks and visited victims, especially children in the hiospital.

Even after a vicious attack, we'd be lucky if we got 20 people involved.

Vick was stupid .. as we all have been at one time or another. I would have rather seen his celebrity used to campaign against dogfighting and the correct training and socialization of pit bulls. There are lots of young men who would have listened to him speaking of his foolish mistakes.

Instead we get hype.
I have to agree with Bush apologist on this one. These are two different attacks. Just because I posted on one does not mean I wouldn't and/or wasn't outraged about the other items you posted on. And contrary to what you seem to believe, according to the article, we don't know which five men attacked this particular child.

I gotta agree with LadyT.

The white phosporus was discussed many times by us. Plenty of outrage was expressed.

It followed the typical narrative of all the other stories out of Iraq. First, Bush fans denied it. Then, when reporting about it became very credible, Bush fans refused to admit they were wrong. They started a new talking point about how WP was "technically, not illegal" to use in civilian areas.

In other words, first they deny, then they excuse.
I gotta agree with LadyT.

The white phosporus was discussed many times by us. Plenty of outrage was expressed.

It followed the typical narrative of all the other stories out of Iraq. First, Bush fans denied it. Then, when reporting about it became very credible, Bush fans refused to admit they were wrong. They started a new talking point about how WP was "technically, not illegal" to use in civilian areas.

In other words, first they deny, then they excuse.

Right, and in between they called Desh names for posting it in the first place.

It's so predictable.
I'm not upset about Vick. He has a lot more money and resources than me or I imagine anyone here has. His life will go on.

What upsets me is the pretense, hype, and bullshit sensationalism.

In training protection dogs, I've had to answer and deal with the issue of dog attacks on people. In Detroit I was part of a study group on how to prevent them. In Los Angeles I was part of an awareness campaign and demonstrated the difference between a dog trained to protect and what dogs become when they live their lives chained to a fence. We also responded to dog attacks and visited victims, especially children in the hiospital.

Even after a vicious attack, we'd be lucky if we got 20 people involved.

Vick was stupid .. as we all have been at one time or another. I would have rather seen his celebrity used to campaign against dogfighting and the correct training and socialization of pit bulls. There are lots of young men who would have listened to him speaking of his foolish mistakes.

Instead we get hype.

Why did you insult me , I was one of the few people on here backing you up?

Dont seek eneies where they are not found.