
I have to agree with Bush apologist on this one. These are two different attacks. Just because I posted on one does not mean I wouldn't and/or wasn't outraged about the other items you posted on. And contrary to what you seem to believe,
We already know what savages did this ...
according to the article, we don't know which five men attacked this particular child.
I have to agree with Bush apologist on this one. These are two different attacks. Just because I posted on one does not mean I wouldn't and/or wasn't outraged about the other items you posted on. And contrary to what you seem to believe, according to the article, we don't know which five men attacked this particular child.
We already know which savages did "This"

come on guys you know what he meant
Now had he written it that way, I doubt I would have objected. Instead he continued to perpetuate the myth that the only subject we were on in this thread was WP in Fallujia. They are not the same story.

It would be like reporting a murder in Downtown and then linking a different murder with a Gang and saying, "We know who did this..."
Now had he written it that way, I doubt I would have objected. Instead he continued to perpetuate the myth that the only subject we were on in this thread was WP in Fallujia. They are not the same story.

It would be like reporting a murder in Downtown and then linking a different murder with a Gang and saying, "We know who did this..."


You are not that stupid to believe that you didn't know what "this" means .. in fact, by saying "this", I distinguish between "this" and that.
Who were the US forces targetting? Children? I think not.

Who was targetted in the original post. A child.

BIG difference.

No, there is not a big difference.

While I would agree that there is some difference in the makeup of a human being who can personally pour gasoline on a 5 year old and light them on fire, and a solider who drops WP on civilians without ever having to face the effects of it, thus enabling denial, there is NO difference in the consequences.

And our leaders who used WP on civilians, which as froggie points out, is against interational law by the way, are no better than these animals who did this. No better. That excuse of "we didn't TARGET" them, has just become a bunch of evil words to cover up a lot of evil deeds.

And Americans who choose, and you must choose, not to know about our use of WP, and Americans who do know but make excuses? Your silence is your legacy.

Pack it when you go meet your creator. I am glad it's your luggage and not mine.
Oh sure .. let's drop WP on civilian populations and it will only hit terrorists.


Stupid would be posting an article accusing US forces of crimes without posting a link.

Stupid would be equating the us of white phosphorous, a MARKING agent used to mark targets with purposefully dousing a child with gasoline and setting him afire.

And even more stupid is trying to downplay and deflect from the savagery of Islamic extremists by making accusations against your own military.

You are not that stupid to believe that you didn't know what "this" means .. in fact, by saying "this", I distinguish between "this" and that.
I stated that your post implied that the US forces were of the 5 that burned this specific boy. That is not the case. You then pretended to say that I suggested no WP was used in fallujia.

You are being directly disingenuous in this thread. It is more than annoying it is becoming like talking to Dixie on the 1/3 thread.
I stated that your post implied that the US forces were of the 5 that burned this specific boy. That is not the case. You then pretended to say that I suggested no WP was used in fallujia.

You are being directly disingenuous in this thread. It is more than annoying it is becoming like talking to Dixie on the 1/3 thread.

Alright Damo, you're going overboard now. Calm down. Nothing's been that bad (or entertaining) since.
Stupid would be posting an article accusing US forces of crimes without posting a link.

Stupid would be equating the us of white phosphorous, a MARKING agent used to mark targets with purposefully dousing a child with gasoline and setting him afire.

And even more stupid is trying to downplay and deflect from the savagery of Islamic extremists by making accusations against your own military.

No, stupid is using WP and pretending it's ok to murder civillians with it, because you didn't "target" them, while knowing full well that there were going to be, you know, "collateral" casualties.

In fact, that's not stupid, it's evil.

You are not that stupid to believe that you didn't know what "this" means .. in fact, by saying "this", I distinguish between "this" and that.

"This or That", you just took me back to my high school years with 'The Choice is Yours' by the Black Sheep.
Stupid would be posting an article accusing US forces of crimes without posting a link.

Stupid would be equating the us of white phosphorous, a MARKING agent used to mark targets with purposefully dousing a child with gasoline and setting him afire.

And even more stupid is trying to downplay and deflect from the savagery of Islamic extremists by making accusations against your own military.

NO, first stupid would be in supporting this war .. were you that stupid?

Stupid would be calling WP a "marking agent" when it has been classified as a chemical agent.

Stupid would be not knowing that the military has already owned up to the atrocity of using WP .. which they tried to avoid by first denying it .. you wouldn't be stupid enough not to kinow that would you?

Stupid would be in suggesting that because there are people fighting against us we should be melting children.

Stupid is in not knowing that this is why we've lost this war.