Say no to cruel Yulin dog eating festival

There are some truly sick fucks on this planet.


Yet you have boasted and bragged numerous times about what a wonderful country Thailand is, though they are one of the leading dog meat consuming countries in the world.

No surprise that a two-faced cunt like you would engage in such selective outrage.
Yet you have boasted and bragged numerous times about what a wonderful country Thailand is, though they are one of the leading dog meat consuming countries in the world.

No surprise that a two-faced cunt like you would engage in such selective outrage.

Sorry sunshine, we all know that you're an ignorant fuck but you don't have to demonstrate it everyday. They do not eat dog in Thailand as a rule. Indeed the Buddhist sensibility is so strong that you have many packs of feral dogs called soi dogs that are fed by the locals.

The dog eating countries are Korea, China and, to a lesser extent, Vietnam. I don't object to the eating of dogs per se, it is the fact that the Chinese have festivals where they blowtorch live dogs, that is just sick beyond belief. If you weren't so fucking intent on a gotcha you'd shut the fuck up and acknowledge that.
Sorry sunshine, we all know that you're an ignorant fuck but you don't have to demonstrate it everyday. They do not eat dog in Thailand as a rule. Indeed the Buddhist sensibility is so strong that you have many packs of feral dogs called soi dogs that are fed by the locals.

The dog eating countries are Korea, China and, to a lesser extent, Vietnam. I don't object to the eating of dogs per se, it is the fact that the Chinese have festivals where they blowtorch live dogs, that is just sick beyond belief. If you weren't so fucking intent on a gotcha you'd shut the fuck up and acknowledge that.

Google it, you lying cunt.

Smugglers drive Thailand's grim trade in dog meat

They are one of the major countries involved in the dog meat trade.

Thais are scum and Thailand is a toilet where sick-fuck pedophiles travel to eat dogs and engage in the abundant child sex trade the country is known for.

You can Google that, too.

Child prostitution in Thailand

More here:
Google it, you lying cunt.

Smugglers drive Thailand's grim trade in dog meat

They are one of the major countries involved in the dog meat trade.

Thais are scum and Thailand is a toilet where sick-fuck pedophiles travel to eat dogs and engage in the abundant child sex trade the country is known for.

You can Google that, too.

Child prostitution in Thailand

More here:

It's pretty obvious that you never been to Thailand. There is some smuggling on the border for dogs destined to be eaten in Vietnam. That trade is run by the Vietnamese as there are many living in Udon Thani near the Lao border.

As for child prostitution that finished long ago, paedophiles now go to Laos and Cambodia. The penalties in Thailand are severe, typically a jail sentence of between 5-10 years.

Anyway it is typical behaviour for a cunt like you to attempt to derail a serious thread with your personal animosities.
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It's pretty obvious that you routinely defend the most vile, disgusting, sub-human behavior imaginable.

Makes one wonder what kind of behavior you engage in yourself.

I have told you the truth but you prefer to believe Google. You are retired, so why don't you get off your arse and actually go see for yourself? Don't you live in Miami, one of the biggest fleshpots on the planet?
I have told you the truth but you prefer to believe Google. You are retired, so why don't you get off your arse and actually go see for yourself? Don't you live in Miami, one of the biggest fleshpots on the planet?

My dad spent a year in Thailand and told me all about it.

He said most of the people there are little more than animals themselves.

I'll believe him and Google over a liar like you any day.
It's pretty obvious that you routinely defend the most vile, disgusting, sub-human behavior imaginable. Makes one wonder what kind of behavior you engage in yourself.

It does?

Can you elaborate on precisely what kind of behavior you "wonder" about Tom engaging in?
My dad spent a year in Thailand and told me all about it.

He said most of the people there are little more than animals themselves.

I'll believe him and Google over a liar like you any day.

I am sorry but I just don't believe that garbage at all, oh and by the way that's pretty fucking racist as well. I worked in Bangkok in the 80s and got married there. Been married to the same woman for over 30 years and both my sons have first class honours in computer science and work in London. Not some mickey mouse degree in public administration. What is that exactly, do they teach you how to make sure the toilets are cleaned and have toilet paper?

My oldest son works for Cisco and goes over to Boston fairly regularly, in fact he just came back a couple of weeks ago. He will off to Tel Aviv next month.
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