Say no to cruel Yulin dog eating festival

You are a lying piece of shit who provides cover for the worst scum on Earth, be it Trump, his family and his associates, or the cruel, uncivilized filth in Thailand who engage in exactly the kind of disgusting behavior I described, but which you deny for your own personal ego-driven reasons. You are a vile and disgusting human being. One can only wonder how many times you've eaten dog meat yourself.

What other behaviors did you insinuate that Tom is guilty of earlier?
You mean until SoMad derailed it. This is indeed an important issue, using blowtorchs to kill dogs is sick beyond belief.

Yes, I'll agree using blow torches to kill dogs is sick. Also in Asia, they beat a monkey to death (with a hammer to the head) and eat their brains, it's considered a delicacy. I saw it on a video years ago called "Faces Of Death."
Yes, I'll agree using blow torches to kill dogs is sick. Also in Asia, they beat a monkey to death (with a hammer to the head) and eat their brains, it's considered a delicacy. I saw it on a video years ago called "Faces Of Death."

I think that is largely an urban myth, to be honest. It certainly happened historically but, apart maybe from some hill tribes possibly, I doubt that happens now. Of course you will have to ask SoMad's dad as he is an 'expert' on Asia, or Asian brothels anyway.
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I think that is largely an urban myth, to be honest. It certainly happened historically but, apart maybe from some hill tribes possibly, I doubt that happens now. Of course you will have to ask SoMad's dad as he is an 'expert' on Asia, or Asian brothels anyway.

No myth. It was clearly a live monkey beaten on the head to death with a hammer and the skull was cut open and the brains were eaten. The video was an extremely graphic depiction of the many "Faces Of Death," from the early 80's by that same name.
My dad got sent to Thailand by the US govt and he lived on a US military base where I can guarantee you that nothing horrible went on.

His good conduct medal confirmed that.

I have one of those and you're right. Those are hard to get. Believe me.
Check rb60's post 3.

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You're a truly miserable cunt, and wrong as usual.

Yulin dog meat festival: Campaigner reveals why days of pet slaughter could be numbered

You're a self-righteous rube.

From the article:

It is the rescue missions and protests staged by HSI and their Chinese colleagues which is playing a pivotal role in the process of confining the Yulin festival to the history books.

Though it mentions a petition, it says nothing about it's effectiveness.
Yulin dog meat festival marks NINTH year despite calls from Chinese to scrap it

NEXT week around 3,000 dogs will be butchered, blowtorched and boiled alive during the horrific Yulin dog-eating festival as it rears its ugly head for the ninth year, despite pleas from the Chinese to scrap it.

Puppies are seen in a cage at a dog meat market in Yulin, in China's southern Guangxi region
Undercover activists captured the heart-wrenching scenes as the world counts down to the most infamous animal welfare horror show on the planet.

Mobile phone pictures show terrified dogs huddled together in a squalid room with traces of blood from earlier slaughtering staining the floor.

One dog was seen being clubbed repeatedly over the head, its cries of anguish ringing out inside the room to leave other animals cowering in fear.

The horrifying images were released by Humane Society International 48-hours before the notorious midsummer Yulin dog-eating festival begins in China’s Guangxi Autonomous Region, a nightmare carnival of carnage that will see thousands of cats and dogs killed.
Yet you have boasted and bragged numerous times about what a wonderful country Thailand is, though they are one of the leading dog meat consuming countries in the world.

No surprise that a two-faced cunt like you would engage in such selective outrage.

Again for the record, Thais do not eat dogs. If that were true then there wouldn't be so many soi dogs. Nomad is, and always was, an ignorant peasant. China is the number one dog eating country and by far the cruellest. Maybe after the outbreak of Covid 19, something will finally be done about wet markets.
Again for the record, Thais do not eat dogs. If that were true then there wouldn't be so many soi dogs. Nomad is, and always was, an ignorant peasant. China is the number one dog eating country and by far the cruellest. Maybe after the outbreak of Covid 19, something will finally be done about wet markets.

You're a liar.

It was such a major problem in SE Asia, that countries like Thailand and Vietnam had to pass laws making it illegal, but that only happened recently.

And you can bet your ass that like any law, there are still people who break it.

Anyone who wants to can just Google thailand dog meat trade and get the facts rather than your spin.

Face it, people in that part of the world tend to be cruel, barbaric and backwards.
You're a liar.

It was such a major problem in SE Asia, that countries like Thailand and Vietnam had to pass laws making it illegal, but that only happened recently.

And you can bet your ass that like any law, there are still people who break it.

Anyone who wants to can just Google thailand dog meat trade and get the facts rather than your spin.

Face it, people in that part of the world tend to be cruel, barbaric and backwards.

You've never been to Thailand but that doesn't stop you bullshitting nonetheless. Yes, some despicable bastards up north do trade dogs to places like China and north Vietnam. However Thais do not eat dogs, I've never seen it and I've been coming since the 80s when I worked here. Anyway, that's not really the point, those despicable wet markets need to be shut down and hopefully that will be one of the good things to come out of this.