Say no to cruel Yulin dog eating festival

You've never been to Thailand but that doesn't stop you bullshitting nonetheless. Yes, some despicable bastards up north do trade dogs to places like China and north Vietnam. However Thais do not eat dogs, I've never seen it and I've been coming since the 80s when I worked here. Anyway, that's not really the point, those despicable wet markets need to be shut down and hopefully that will be one of the good things to come out of this.

My dad spent a year in Bangkok during the Vietnam war. One of the first things he got served in a bar after he arrived, was dog meat. Some local kid had a hibachi on a cart that he went from table to table with, cooking it right there. His buddies didn't tell him what it was until after he had already paid the kid for it and was just about to start eating it. He ended up giving it to some Thai locals sitting at a nearby table. They ate it up without a second thought.
My dad spent a year in Bangkok during the Vietnam war. One of the first things he got served in a bar after he arrived, was dog meat. Some local kid had a hibachi on a cart that he went from table to table with, cooking it right there. His buddies didn't tell him what it was until after he had already paid the kid for it and was just about to start eating it. He ended up giving it to some Thai locals sitting at a nearby table. They ate it up without a second thought.

Thailand was also known during nam as one big whore house, where GI's would go on R and R some of the sailors on my ship for a weeks leave when in port and fly over from Cam Ranh Bay and yes, dog eating by the locals