Science from the other side of Climate Change

The shrinking of a glacier due to warming weather trends is climate related.
Not if the climate remains the same.

The shrinking of a glacier due to environmental shifts that cause water to be redirected such that the glacier formation itself continually decreases has nothing to do with any climate.
Nope. We already know that it can't. We already know that no climate has any value properties. We already know that there is nothing to change. We already know that you know this, that this has been explained to you many, many times, but that you are totally dishonest, you play dumb, you chant the same already-answered questions over and over, you accuse others of doing everything that you do, and you deliberately lie in every post.

You cannot show that any ice age ever happened. You believe, as you do with Global Warming, that your omnipotence grants you the magickal superpower to declare any historical revisionism you wish into existence.

Start with explaining why any rational adult should believe that there was an ice age. No, wait, do that second. First, define unambiguously what the fuck an "ice age" is.

You can't use the word "history" unless you only intend to go back to the first human writings.

You noticed?

Since no one has any reason to believe that ice sheets covered the northern hemisphere, no one has any reason to believe that there was ever an ice age.

Regarding this changing climate to which you refer, you still haven't specified which one.
"Since no one has any reason to believe that ice sheets covered the northern hemisphere, no one has any reason to believe that there was ever an ice age."

Who is "no one"?

Not if the climate remains the same.

The shrinking of a glacier due to environmental shifts that cause water to be redirected such that the glacier formation itself continually decreases has nothing to do with any climate.
Okay, if climate remains the same, then why did the glacier recede by a mile-and-a-half in a century?
I already did. You lose.

I see you are one of those "wastes of human dna" type posters. You don't know anything you are just on here to fight over things you don't understand.

I've opted to respond to all posters like that thusly. Please accept this in lieu of a thoughtful answer since your points are meaningless drivel.
@Into the Night

ZenMode did it. He has asked the irrelevant unrelated pivot question that he will chant ad infinitum, and demand answers for the next six months, rather than admit he was a bonehead who, once again, just couldn't be bothered to think it through before posting.
Right, so who is the "no one" again?

I don't have a value for pain, but pain level can change.
Bad example. You still measure your pain.

A better example would be that torture (climate) is insufferable. That characterization has no value properties and does not change.

I didn't say ice age was climate.
Ooooh, "I never said ..." What a fucking surprise.

... it is not normal for sheet of ice to cover most of the northern hemisphere.
... which is why it never happens. Why should any rational adult believe that it ever did? ... because you say so? Is it true just because you declare it to be true?
Bad example. You still measure your pain.

A better example would be that torture (climate) is insufferable. That characterization has no value properties and does not change.

Ooooh, "I never said ..." What a fucking surprise.

... which is why it never happens. Why should any rational adult believe that it ever did? ... because you say so? Is it true just because you declare it to be true?
"which is why it never happens. Why should any rational adult believe that it ever did?"

Your continued science denial is also noted.