Science from the other side of Climate Change

How so? If someone tells me something that very well may get me or my loved ones KILLED
You're asking JPP to believe that you have loved ones, which is a lot to ask given your lack of credibility.

I want to know what their qualifications are.
If, hypothetically, you were to have loved ones, only you would know what their qualifications are.

Well, I may not be a healthcare provider but I can tell YOU are a disease
Nope. You apparently don't have the qualifications of those who you are not.
only if you deny many physicians say that.
I do. I mean, I'm sure you can find some doctors that say it, but if the average person can figure it out, I find it hard to believe that a meaningful number of doctors can't figure it out and don't use it.
I do. I mean, I'm sure you can find some positions that say it, but if the average person can figure it out, I find it hard to believe that a meaningful number of doctors can't figure it out.
do you have link to many physicisans saying it's great and highly usable?

they say it's unusable.
do you have link to many physicisans saying it's great and highly usable?

they say it's unusable.
You keep trying to speak for physicians and you provided nothing that makes me believe you are qualified to speak for all physicians. What is your claim based on other than pure speculation?
You keep trying to speak for physicians and you provided nothing that makes me believe you are qualified to speak for all physicians. What is your claim based on other than pure speculation?
you keep saying the vaeris system is great and usable, I wanna know what makes you qualified to say that.
You're asking JPP to believe that you have loved ones, which is a lot to ask given your lack of credibility.

Well, yeah, your mom isn't really a "friend", mostly just a fuckbuddy.

If, hypothetically, you were to have loved ones, only you would know what their qualifications are.

Wow, it's like you can't even read a simple sentence and get it right. How do you function in real life? Do you have assistance?

Nope. You apparently don't have the qualifications of those who you are not.

I know I don't. Which is why I believe EXPERTS.

But you do you. When has an influenza virus ever killed anyone? I mean, really. Well, just 50 million died from it in 1918-1919 alone, but I'm sure flu can't be considered "dangerous" if you are willing to ignore history.
Well, yeah, your mom isn't really a "friend", mostly just a fuckbuddy.
So you're a necrophiliac?

Wow, it's like you can't even read a simple sentence and get it right.
The problem must be you and your atrocious grammar. You probably didn't say what you meant and didn't mean what you said. What a shock.

You did write "if someone (singular) tells me" and then began talking about your loved ones, thus any mention of "their" is referring to your loved ones, yes? Isn't that what you meant?

Which is why I believe EXPERTS.
Unfortunately, you have shown that you are terribly unqualified to determine who the experts are. You believe that an "expert" is someone who feeds you your political positions.

But you do you. When has an influenza virus ever killed anyone? I mean, really. Well, just 50 million died from it in 1918-1919 alone, but I'm sure flu can't be considered "dangerous" if you are willing to ignore history.
... or you are misinformed. I wonder what is more likely. Hmmmmm.
So you're a necrophiliac?

She does just sorta lay there. It's not great.

The problem must be you and your atrocious grammar. You probably didn't say what you meant and didn't mean what you said. What a shock.

Dictionaries give word definitions.

You did write "if someone (singular) tells me" and then began talking about your loved ones, thus any mention of "their" is referring to your loved ones, yes? Isn't that what you meant?

No, it's a legitimate use of "they" in modern English for a singular. I'm surprised this news missed you. It's been in common parlance for decades and is now generally considered "Ok".

Unfortunately, you have shown that you are terribly unqualified to determine who the experts are. You believe that an "expert" is someone who feeds you your political positions.

LOL. So in the special class you attend, is this considered a "clever riposte"? Well reasoned?

... or you are misinformed. I wonder what is more likely. Hmmmmm.

don't take the vaccine.

What if someone reads this and, shock, you are WRONG and they die? WIll you sleep well at night knowing your actions led to a person dying?

I ask that because you don't appear to have any morality. You seem to be devoid of humanity at any level.

The mRNA vaccines program your body for an undetermined amount of time to produce, not the Covid-19 virus, but the Spike Protein that is the business end of the virus. The Spike Protein damages the blood and various organs and due to the lipid nanoparticles can even breach the blood brain barrier. The vaccine makers say that it just stays in the muscle tissue at the site of the injection but THAT IS NOT TRUE.
It is not true, and it is the virus being manufactured. The idea is that the virus manufactured slowly enough that your body can learn to fight it.
You ARE correct that the virus is not confined to the injection site.

Once your body has successfully fought off any virus, you are immune to that virus for life. It doesn't prevent infection, but it mitigates the effects of such infection since your body can fight it off much faster than before.

For Covid19, it's rather pointless, since this virus does not kill, and is instead the mildest variant of the Covid/SARS series so far discovered.

It's just the DEMOCRATS getting all twisted up about nothing (again). In this case, the purpose was to try to make Trump's successes look bad and to justify their election fraud.

This fear mongering by DEMOCRATS started the current economic depression. It DESTROYED quite a few businesses, and they are GONE. They are not coming back.